New Beginnings part 2

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I had boxes pack with our things in the back of my truck. It had taken me a while to pack since I keeped breaking down. I was packing out the last box when Kayce walked up.

"There's beer in the fridge." Rip told him.

"I don't drink." I rolled my eyes.

"Figures." I went and put the box in the bed.

"Are you still mad at me?" Kayce asked.

"No. Pissed is more like it." I spit the words at him as I shut the tailgate.

"What did you want me to do?" I turned and got in his face.

"Grow a pair and tell him no." He shook his head at me.

"You and me both know he wouldn't take no for an answer."

"And you and me both know that you are full of shit and don't want to stand up to  him." I turned on my heel and walked away. Rip was already in the front seat so I got in the passagner seat.
We drove in silence before I asked the question that had been on my mind. "How this going to work Rip?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"How is this going to work? I haven't slept with out you for years. And when I don't sleep with out you it's only for a day or two. And I sleep like shit!"

"We will find a way." He said calmly. I don't know how he was so calm.

"How?! You sneaking in my room like a teenager? Even so the house is always full." The tears were running down my face as I pulled on my hair.

"Darlin It's going to be ok. We have our places that we can go. It's all going to work out some how." He said as he parked my truck. He flipped up the console and I slid over into his arms. "Trust me baby. This is going to work. I'm not going to let us fall apart. I promise you." He pulled me closer and kissed me.

I woke up the next morning exushted and with bags under my eyes. Today we were moving some of the cattle. I went and saddled up Sprite.

"You looked exhausted Carly." Ryan said as he came over.

"That's because I am." He gave me a quick side hug and headed out. I finished bridling Sprite. I turned to go out when a figure caught my eye. There on a hay bale sat Lee.

"You look tired Bug. You'll need a nap later." He said laughing and smiling that damn smile. "Everything will be ok. You trust in old Lee now. Just keep going Bug." I couldn't belive my eyes. But just as fast as he appeared he was gone. I wiped the tears off my face.

"Ok Lee. I'll keep going. I won't give up." I managed to pull myself and walked out. I walked over to where Rip was and buried my head into his chest. His colone washed over me making me feel better. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I pulled my head back to look at him. His eyes were rimmed with worry. I shook my head telling him I was fine. He leaned down and kissed me. Making me also feel better. Me and him mounted up.

"Should we mount up?" Jimmy asked.

"Not up to me Jimmy." Rip said. I gave him a look. What did he mean it was up to him? Kayce may have taken the house but he wasn't forman.  I watched as Kayce walked up and a scowl over took my face.

"Well push em up the valley, then over the saddle to East River Road. Well take that up to the canyon. Ryan, you and Colby got point. Walker, Cowboy you're on swing.  Jimmy and Avery you got flank. Lloyd and Rip you are riding drag. Carly you stay here. Let's go." My teeth clinched together.

"Now wait a god damn minuite!" I yelled as I rode over to Kayce. "I'm fucking going!"

"Your not going." He commanded.

"The fuck I'm not!" I snarled at him. "Listen here. You might like being a leader to the boys. But you ain't my leader. This ranch is just as much mine as yours. Even more mine then yours! Because if you forgot you left! I stayed! Keep that in mind." I kicked Sprite up. 

As we moved cow's I keeped switching between drag and flank. "God damn it Jimmy!" I swore as he let the cows get to far away from each other.

"Its too big of a gap." I raced over to help him.

"Hold your spot or whole heard goes." Out  of the corner of my eye I watched as Rip and Walker went into the woods. Kayce followed behind them. What a shit show.  After what felt like as was forever we got the heard moved. Like Lee said I was going to need a nap. We rode through the gate into a large round arena. We had barely gotten to the middle when Rip and Kayce jumped off their horses and started circling each other. Then they started punching each other.

"Kayce stop! Rip!" I threw myself off Sprite. Once my feet hit the ground I started towards them. I was going to put an end to this damn thing. Until an arm pulled me back. I looked to see it was Ryan.

"Let them do this. They need to fight it out." He whispered in my ear. I watched as Rip layed in the dirt letting Kayce win. Ryan's grip on me losend and I took as a cue. I went over to Rip. He was standing up now.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up." I said as it took his hand. We walked to the bunk house. Rip sat on a chair as I looked for the first aid kit.

"This is going to hurt." I said as I cleaned his cuts on his face. He didn't flinch. "Why did you let him win?" I asked when I finished.

"I didn't let him win." I gave him a pointed glare. "Your dad asked me too. So that the boys will see he's the new leader." I threw my supplies that I had used in the trash. I went and stood in between his legs. He layed his forehead on my chest as I ran my finger through his hair.

"I wish he could see I'm ready to take over the ranch." I whispered. After sitting with Rip for a while i walked into the house.

"Want to join us carly?" Dad asked. It was just him and Kayce.

"Not hungry." I had already told Gator to bring me leftovers once he got a moment. "Kayce your taking dad to therapy tomorrow." I called as I went up the stairs. I had entered a local rodeo tomorrow. I was very excited it felt like forever since me and Star had raced. Instead of going into my room I went into Beth's.

As I ran the pattern I felt all the stress and anger leave me. I pushed Star to go faster to home. The crowd cheered. As I left the rodeo with a new buckle I knew we hadn't lost it. And some how everything would be ok.

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