New beginnings

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I stood outside my dad's hospital room spinning the keys around on my finger. I knew the doctor was telling him he would have to do swim class as physical therapy. I'm sure that would go over just great.

"He's ready." The doctor said as he came out.

"Thanks doc." I said as I went in. He was standing up and dressed. "Ready?"

"Honey I was ready to go when I first got here." I laughed a little. I helped him into the truck. As I drove I could see him trying to get comfortable.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Just hurts to sit."

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to be careful." It was not a smooth ride. We finally pulled in under the sign. It was a slower ride then normal since I went slower. I noticed Kayce sitting there on his horse. I stopped and rolled down the window.

"Mind if we trade places?" He asked. I looked over at my dad and he nodded.

"Ok." I said as I put the truck in park and got out. Kayce unmounted his stallion. "If you wreak my truck I'll kill you." I told him.

"Ok then don't wreak my horse."

"I won't me and Ditlihi are freinds." I said as I petted the mustang's  face.

"You named my horse?"

"Yes. I was the only other one that could ride him on the ranch before you came home."

"What was it agian?"

"It's pronounced Dee-tlee-hee but spelled out Ditlihi. It's Cherokee and means warrior."

"I like it." I smiled as I got on. Ditlihi stood alert beneath me.

"Also don't move my seat."

"But your seat is so close to the steering wheel."

"I don't care. Your stirup are way to long for me but you don't see me change them." My feet hung but I wasn't too bothered since I rode bareback a lot. He shook his head with a smile. I turned Dithlihi and head back to the ranch. I traded him for Star. She was ready to go. As we raced around I didn't even noticed that we had gathered a crowd. Rip along with the others were all by the fence. I stop Star on the fence by Rip.

"Yall get the fence fixed?" I asked. I watched as Rip's eyes looked me over then came back to my eyes. My outfit consisted of my regular jeans and boots. Instead of one of my pearl snaps I had on a tang top. It showed off my tan arms and a sliver of my stomach.

"Yep got it all done." He said with a smile that made me weak in my knees.

"That's good. I see everybody's back so nothing to extreme happened." I said with a small laugh. He didn't laugh instead a hard glare came over his face. "What the hell happened?"

"Hey Rip come here." Kayce intruppted. I glared at him.

"See you later darling."

"Later cowboy." I said as he left.

I was sitting on the couch when Rip came in. He looked kissed. "What's going on?"

"We're moving." He said simply.

"What?" I said looking at him blankly.

"We're moving." I got off the couch.

"Your joking!"

"Nope not joking." He didn't seem upset at all.

"Not on my watch!" I slipped on my boots I didn't even worry about putting my hat on. I slammed the door behind me. I knew who was behind this. My father." Why would he do this to us? I went into the house. Dad, Beth, and Kayce were sitting at the table eatting dinner. Jamie had run away to try to get an office  I slammed my hand on the table creating a loud bang. Dad seemed unfazed after all he had to deal with both mine and Beth's tempers growing up.

"How could you do  this to us?! To me?!" My blood boiled.

"Now  honey."

"Don't honey me!"

"Fine. Im giving  the house to Kayce." Everything froze. I felt like I had been slapped in the face. It only lasted a few seconds till all my anger came back and it was stronger. Not only was it my dad but also my twin brother.

"Give him somewhere else!"


"No?! What are me and Rip supposed to do?!"

"He'll sleep in the bunk house. And you will stay here in the house."

I shook my head. This was unbelievable. "And your fine with this Kayce? Fine with taking my house?" My glared turned to him. His eyes went wide, but he didn't say anything. "Unbelievable!" I said throwing my hands up as I stomped out.

Instead of going to my house I went into the barn. I grabbed my saddle and started cleaning the hell out of it. Tears stung my eyes but I keeped them in. I coukd hear footsteps then somebody sat next to me. I looked over to see Beth. She held out her smoke for me. I took it and took a drag. I didn't smoke unless I was very upset.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly.

"No. Why would they do this to me? I know I'm not dad's favorite and Kayce is but I never thought they would do this to me! Kayce left! I stayed! I did what ever he asked. I did what ever I could to help the ranch! And it's still not every enough for him! I miss Lee." And just like when I was little I fell apart in Beth's arms.

The Other Dutton (season 2 and 3) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora