Touching Your Enemy part 2

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I sat on the couch in the living room of the main house. I looked at the ring I had bought a couple weeks ago. It was a simple black rubber ring. It wasn't for me. It was for Rip. I was going to ask him to marry me. Who knows when he would do it and I was getting impatient. We had been together since we were 13 and 15. We had seen the best and the worst of each other. I was ready to move forward. I wanted to be his wife and have little min-us running around. I imaged what our life would look like with one or two kids running around. It made my heart light and happy.

That was until I heard screaming coming from upstairs pulling me out of my fantasy. I quickly got up from where I was sitting. Shoving the ring into my pocket I ran upstairs. The screaming was coming from dad's room. So I took off that way. Once there I saw Beth yelling at Jamie at dad's door to his room.

"Tell him, you fucking tell him!" Beth yelled.

"I think I can take it from here Beth. What do you have to tell me? What did you do this time?"

"Tell him, you fucking mutt!"

"Beth! I can take it from here. Go wait outside."

"Don't you let him Jamie his way out of this. Okay dad? Once he tells you, you come find me so I can make sure he told you the truth." With that she pushed Jamie in and slammed the door. She then stomped away. I followed after her wondering what in the hell was going on. She ended up in her room. I went in behind her and sat on the bed. I quietly sat there knowing she would tell me when she was ready.

"Do you know what that son of a bitch did?!" I shook my head no. "He did an interview with a girl. He was hoping it would help his political campaign."

"What was the interview about?"

"Dad." I felt like once again the world came crashing down on me.

"What? How could he?" This was a all time low for him. He had went low before but this one took the cake. "I'm going to go get some air." I got up and went to the porch. The sun was was going down making everything black. I sat in one of the rocking chairs. The ring in my pocket felt like ten pounds. I took it out of my pocket and held it. A part of me was wondering if I was making a mistake in asking Rip.

"That doesn't seem like ypur type of ring honey." Dad's voice came snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Not for me daddy." He came and sat in the other rocking chair by me. "I'm going to ask Rip to marry me. I'm just worried that he's not going to say yes." We sat there in silence.

"The way he looks at you honey." Dad started and broke the silence. "He's crazy about you. No way in hell he will say no. Just ain't no way. And you've got my blessing. I know even if you didn't  have it you would still do it. But I'm behind you."

"Thanks daddy." He got up and kissed the top of my head and went inside. I know what I was going to do I just had to wait for the right moment and time

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