Sins of our father part 2

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Beeping woke me up and pulled me from the blackness. I opened my eyes blinking a couple times to get used to the bright lights. Looking around I realized that I has in a hospital room. They had found us and saved us. Thank god. Rip's head was laying on the bed next to my hip. His hand was on mine. I carefully pulled my hand away and stared running my fingers through his hair. I was enjoying the moment because I had really thought I would never be able to do this again let alone see him. I still hurt a little mostly in my ribs. Rip flinched in his sleep. He then started moving around and waking up.  His eye fluttered open. "Hey cowboy." I said softly. 

"Hey darlin." I smiled at him waiting for it all to click. "Holy shit your up!" He jumped up.

"Yeah cowboy, I am." 

"Let me find a nurse and the doctor." He ran out the door as I chuckled lightly . 

The doctor came and explain that I was pretty banged up. "Your ribs are bruised. Which your lucky there are not broken. You have stitches along your legs and some on your face. The good news is I don't think the ones on your face will have scars but I'm not sure on your legs. I would also recommend counseling. You went through a very traumatic event. " I nodded even though I would not be doing that. "We will get paper work ready for you to sign then your good to go home." That was the most exciting news that he was that I would be able to go home soon. 

Rip had been sitting by me hand in mine. But he kept looking at me like I was going to disappear. He had checked his phone once which was not like he especially since we weren't on the ranch. "Rip what going on baby?" I asked. 

"I've let them do this to you twice. What kind of boyfriend am I? A bad one." 

"No your not. Your the best one out there. I couldn't ask for anything more. And it is not your fault. You can't watch me all the time. Please don't think it's your fault. It isn't. Its those sons of bitches fault. So lets get those thoughts out of your head." 

"Yes ma'am. I love you so much Carly. I would be so lost with out you." 

"I love you too Rip. More then you know." His lips were on mine. 

It wasn't to much longer till I got to go home. The ride hurt a bit since it was so bumpy. Pulling in I saw a banner hanging above the porch. "Welcome home Carly." It read. "Ryan and Colby?" I asked taking a guess of who made it. 

"Yep." Both me and Rip walked into the house and I was engulfed in hugs.  

"Welcome home honey." My dad said as he wrapped me in a hug. 

"Thanks dad." His lips meet my forehead and linger on it for a moment before pulling back. 

Ryan and Colby pulled me into hugs next. Each one squeezing a little bit. It hurt but I wasn't going to tell them that. Beth also hugged me with a vice grip like I wasn't real. Soon everybody went back to work including Rip. I was left in the living room with Kayce. 

"I never got a chance to tell you thank you." Kayce said breaking  the silence. 

"Thank me for what?" I asked confused. 

"For keeping Tate safe." 

"It was nothing. I would protect him with my life." Kayce sniffled and wiped at his eyes. 

"You won't ever know what that means for me." I smiled at him. 

"Where is Tate?"

"He's in my old bedroom. He won't come out. Scared to death." 

"Can I go and talk to him?" 

"Yeah go for it. He's actually been asking for you." I nodded and got up wincing a little bit. Before heading up I stopped by the kitchen. Grabbing  two cookies and a water I then headed up the stairs. As of the moment I hated stairs. I knocked on the door. 

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