Blood the boy

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I sat next to Lloyd on a fence when Jimmy walked up to us. "What do I need to do to make some extra money?" He asked. 

"What kind of trouble you in kid?" Lloyd asked. I had to admit that it was something I would like to know too. 

"The kind that takes money to fix." 

"You know what? There's a buckin' horse fraternity at the fairgrounds. You stay on for eight seconds you pull a check. Because honestly Jimmy sitting on a bucking horse is the only thing I've seen you do well at." I told Jimmy honestly. 

"Yeah I was fucking taped to it." 

"Maybe that's your talent." Lloyd chimed in. 

"How much does it coast?"

"Couple hundred." Lloyd answered. 

"But you can win a couple grand." I said. 

"I don't have a couple hundred to spear." I looked at Lloyd and he nodded at me having the same thought as me. 

"We'll spot you." Jimmy looked at me with amazement. 

"Why would you do that?" 

"Because we believe in you. Now  come on lets get you on a horse." I went and grabbed a three year old I have been working with called Ricky. I had put a saddle on him but had yet gotten on him. I put a saddle on and led him to the arena where Jimmy and Lloyd was. 

"Ok Jimmy in the real thing you'll only have a rope for the reins and you can only hold on to it with one hand and the other hand is in the air. The hand in the air can't touch the horse and you have to spur the horse." I climbed on the fence and act like I was on a horse and showed him how to spur the horse." 

"How do you know so much about this?"

"I used to do it. Made it to nationals in high school a couple times. Now get on the horse." 

"Try for now just to stay in the saddle." Jimmy's ass hit the saddle and the horse started to buck.  

"One, two, three! Keep riding!!" I yelled. 

"Four, five six seven honk!!" Lloyd yelled. 

"Jump off. You stayed on!" 

"Your a winner." 

"Rip you see that? Eight seconds." I whipped my head to the side to see Rip leaning on the fence next to where I sat. 

"Yeah Jimmy I saw. Why is he on that horse?" He lowered his voice for the second half. 

"He needs to make some extra money. Going to take his go at rodeo." I told him. 

"He can barely sit on the broke ones." 

"He sat him pretty good." Lloyd said. I nodded in agreement. 

"Hey Jimmy. You know why you never met an old rodeo cowboy? Cause there aren't any." 

"I'm old." 

"You just look old." A smile came over my face. 

"Yeah I won't die I promise." 

"I'll hold you to that. Hey make sure he doesn't get hurt now." 

"Yes sir." I said as I winked at him and made my way over to Jimmy. I could hear him mutter something among the lines of damn girl and she's going to kill me. 

"So this thing'll buck Jake?" We had gone down to the rodeo grounds to get Jimmy on a real bucking horse.

"Curtis been having him around all year  long. Nobody ride him for eight seconds yet." I nodded. Half of me wanted to get on a see if I could ride him. But I knew Jimmy needed to get on him. 

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