Behind Us Only Grey

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I woke up to my head pounding. I got up and looked in the mirror. My face was black, purple, and blue with bruising My one eye was swollen shut so I couldn't see anything out of it. My lip was busted up, and every time I opened my mouth it would bleed. I had stitches in two places on my forehead and one on my right cheek in the middle of it. I knew that the one on my cheek would more then likely scar.  I lifted my shirt up to see the bruising on my stomach. I felt like crying but I knew that i would only hurt A soft groan pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked over remembering Rip was there. I felt like crying all over again. He had gotten hurt because of me. I went over and kissed his cheek. A soft smile came over his face. I decided to let him sleep.  He needed to rest and heal and he deserved to do just that. I'd go down and do his chores after breakfast. I walked out and closed the door behind me. I meet Beth at the stair case. 

"How you feeling?" She asked me. I let out a sigh knowing I was going to get asked that a lot today. Beth looked bad too. But not as banged up as I did. 

"Not to good, but I'm a Dutton so i'll get over it." My voice was raspy and weak. 

"That's my girl." She said with a smile. I sent her a small one. She linked our arms together and we walked down to the table. 

"Your waiting." I heard Monica tell Tate. "If you wait for everybody to sit at this table, you'll never get to eat." Beth said as we walked in. 

"Told ya." Tate told his mother smugly. I let out a little laugh as I sat next to Beth. 

"How you feelin' Beth?" Dad asked. 

"Like I went to the fucking spa." 

"You Carly?" 

"Like I got ran over by a semi-truck."

"Hey Gator?" Beth started. 


"Can you bring me a smoothie please?" 

"Sure what kind?" 

"Two scoops ice cream and three shots vodka." 

"Two scoops, three shots. Got it." 

"Can I get one to please?" 

"Sure Carly." I had notice Monica staring at us. Shock was all over her face. 

"Can you bring us them on the porch?" 

"Of course." Gator said and left. Beth's eyes snapped to Monica. 

"You should see the other guy." She snapped and walked out. Monica's gaze turned to me. 

"Take a picture it will last longer." I muttered and followed Beth. I was tired of her accusing stares. She would never understand. Beth was sat on one of the rocking chairs on the porch. I sat in the one next to here looking over the land. The sun warmed me and the land. The memories from last night hit me like a wave. I never thought I would see this view again. 

"Wrong words." He pointed the gun at my head. I closed my eyes. "I love you Rip." I thought. Three gun shots went off. I didn't feel anything. 

"Carly?" Dad called breaking me out of the memories. 


"You okay?"

"I will be." 

"I'm going to finished what they started with you guys." 

"Your smoothie Miss. Beth. Here's your Carly."

"Thank you." I told him. I took a sip. It helped my stomach settle down a little bit. I continued to look out at the land. I would fight for this land with every last breath I had in me. And if that meant I had to go to hell and back I would. 

The Other Dutton (season 2 and 3) Where stories live. Discover now