Only Devils Left

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"Please Carly?"

"No Ryan. I'm not giving you anymore information." I kicked Sprite up hoping to get away from him. Ryan was one if my best freinds but he was driving me nuts. We were out in the field checking cows.

"One more question and need you you answer this. And then I'm done." He said catching up to me. "Will Kayce leave me out to dry being an agent and comminisher?" A hard look came over my face.

"Kayce might be stupid sometimes and pushy but he won't leave you out to dry. If he does I'll kick his ass." Ryan looked relived as a smile came over his face,

"Your the best Carly. What would I do with out you?"

"Your life would be so boring."

"Yes it would." We both laughed. I noticed that Rip, Kayce, and Jimmy were all gathered around something. We took off across the land and got over to them. I got off Sprite and went over. A bloated cow was there. "What the fuck did it bloat on? The grass is dried and it didn't freeze last night."

"They can't  eat when it freezes?" Jimmy asked.

"Jimmy quite asking questions and go put this back." Rip told him as he got up.

"This don't make no sense." I said.

"There's no alfalfa in this field. Never seen one do this in the fall."

"That's because they don't. You better call dad." I said to Kayce. He nodded and walked off. As Kayce was on the phone I had my eyes closed and was rubbing my temples hoping to stop the headache I felt coming.

"You ok darling?" I opened my  eyes to see Rip standing there.

"Not really." Rip came over and wrapped me in a hug. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him. "Will things ever settle down?"

"I don't know. But I sure hope so. That way we can move on with our life." I raised my head to lock eyes with him.

"I hope so." Kayce let us all go back to the ranch. He would stay and wait for dad. He had already told me his theory of it bring the Beck brothers.

Instead of going back to work me and Rip headed to my room while we had the house to ourselves.  The sheets were pulled up to cover our naked body's. We layed in silence just looking at each other. His thumb pushed hair out of my face. "I love you so damn much Rip."

"I love you to darling. Don't know where I would be with out you." He kissed me. "Sleep honey."

"Will you still be here when I wake up?" It was still weird to wake up with nobody next to me. Or turn in the middle of the night and reach for him and grab nothing but air.

"I'll be here don't worry."  With that I went to sleep. A knocking noise woke me up.

"Carly!" It was Kayce. I looked over to see Rip still here with his arms around me. "I'm coming in!" Before I had time to tell no he came walking in. His mouth dropped in horror at the sight he was seeing. I grabbed the pillow that was behind me and chucked it at him.

"Get the hell  out Kayce!"

"My eyes!" He yelled as he ran out slamming the door behind him. "This is why you lock your door!" He yelled through the door.

"It was closed dumb ass! This is why you wait for a reply!" I yelled back. I looked over to see Rip awake.

"Dad wants to see you. I've got to go find some bleach."

"It could have been worse! You could have walked in on us doing it!"

"God damn it Carly! Thanks for that picture."

"Your welcome!" I yelled as he stormed away. I fell back on the bed and looked over at Rip. He layed there trying not to laugh. "It's not funny." I told him as I got out of bed and tried to find my clothes that were all over the room.

"It was a bit." I glared at him as I pulled on my shirt. He was sitting up and had his feet on the floor. "How did you sleep?" He asked as he pulled me between his legs.

"Really good. I got to go." I pecked his lips. "Love you."

"Love you too darling." I went to my dad's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I went in and closed the door behind me. I then went and sat in a chair.

"Your brother is head to three forks. We think they did this with a plane."

"That would make sense since there was no tire tracks and they couldn't have done this with horses."

"Did you know about the trust?"

"What trust?" I asked in confusion.

"The ranch is in a trust."

"What? No I didn't know about that at all."

"Your name is on it."

"Sorry dad. I don't know anything about it."

"Ok honey I belive you."

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