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It was 1:00 pm when both Jimin and Namjoon were finally done with their classes for the day. Namjoon was already at the parking lot leaning against his car and waiting for Jimin.

Scrolling through his social media as he kept glancing to the entrance. Then he finally saw blonde hair in the crowd trying to get past the people around him. Namjoon laughed as he saw the boy sigh and look at him with a big smile.

Jimin skip walked to Namjoon but stumbled on the last step, ending up falling in Namjoon's arms as the older was fast enough to protect him. Jimin's face decorated with a shocked expression, with wide eyes he looked up at Namjoon.

Guided to stand up, Jimin felt Namjoon's hand on his waist, making a pinkish blush creep over at his cheeks as he held Namjoon's shoulder.

"Are you alright? You didn't get hurt, right?"

Namjoon's brows were creased together in worry as he looked at Jimin, inspecting him of any injury.

" I'm alright Joonie. You caught me." Jimin smiled brightly at him and Namjoon looked at his smile, unknowingly tightening his hold on Jimin's waist.

"What if I wasn't here?"

"Then I would gladly fall and come to you for bandage." Jimin giggled and Namjoon shook his head at him.

"Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt, it hurts me as well." Namjoon said as he left go of Jimin and walked back a few steps. Taking Jimin's bag and placing it in the back seat. "Get in."

With a deep blush, Jimin nodded and walked around the car to get on passanger seat. His heart was beating loudly in his chest and it was all because of Namjoon. As Namjoon started the car and they hit the road, he rolled down the car's window and looked outside to hide his prominent blush.

Cold air gently brushing through his blonde hair, a smile permanently setting on his lips as he watched the other car pass them, shops on the side with people coming out and some going entering. The weather bloomed for Jimin as he kept repeating Namjoon's words in his mind.

He cares for him.

The younger already knew he does, but getting reminded of it by the person itself has put him in a great bliss with everything turning a shade of pink and lovely around him, life getting a little dramatic. He knew he has lost already. He had known this for quite a while.

Unknown to him, a pair of eyes were watching him from the corner. Hands moved to the play some soft music in the background, Jimin didn't notice but he sure was enjoying the soft beats filling the car and soft hums singing along the soothing lyrics of the music.

Jimin sang along and nodded his head at the beats, Namjoon enjoying it as he kept glancing between the road and Jimin time to time. He watched the blonde stay hair fell on his eyes from the wind repeatedly, his hand was itching to push the soft hair back, but Jimin's hand reached up before his could.

He looked ahead and kept his eyes on road this time, they were a few minutes away from their apartment.

As he stopped, Jimin looked around finally getting out of his own world and noticing that they have reached the apartment.

"That was a fast ride." He said amused and looked at Namjoon who was getting their bags from the back seat.

Jimin walked out of the car as well and fetched his bag from Namjoon as they both walked out of the parking.

"Do you have the same schedule tomorrow?"

Jimin asked as he locked the door behind him placed his bag near the couch and sat beside Namjoon in the most natural way possible.

"Nope. It's the regular one."

"I don't think regular is even in your dictionary after all these hectic mornings." Jimin teased ruffling his hair with his hands and pushing them as they bounced back to his forehead and he gently parted them to their previous state. " Let's get changed. We need to meet with other at 2. Do you wanna take a shower or should I go first?"

Brows rose as he stood up with his finger pointing at Namjoon's nose as he scrunched up his nose and brows, playing along with Jimin in a playful manner.

" Go ahead." Namjoon said, pulling away Jimin's hand and lying back on the couch. "I'll wait for you."

"You need to change."

"In a while."

"Don't you dare fall asleep. You signed up for this."

Namjoon chuckled as he saw Jimin walking to his room with his bag and walking around to get his clothes, and walking into the bathroom running the shower on.

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