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Jimin placed his bag down near the couch and quickly landed his body on the couch to rest. He sighed finally and heard the shuffling as Namjoon moved around the house and came to sit with him.

"You're tired?"

"Hmm" Jimin hummed , giving space for Namjoon to sit and he placed his head on Namjoon's lap. " The teacher gave us a surprise test, then we had a dance session, and after that I helped Jungkook and Yoongi with their project, we had to run back to shop because Jungkook forgot to buy some part of the project."

Jimin counted on his cute chubby fingers, and Namjoon stared at him. Recently, he has been doing this a lot and he himself has noticed it. Staring at Jimin, waking up early just so he could feel Jimin play around with his hair and wait for him to wake him up, eating breakfast with him, getting jealous when someone gets close to Jimin or even speaks to him.

But , this Yoongi guy has been bugging him a lot.

Jimin seems to be talking alot about him, also he remember Hoseok saying Jimin finds him cute. Now that he thinks about it, this side of his did surface that day.

"Are you hungry?"

" I am but I want to sleep now, I'll order something later." Jimin streched his body only to spoon himself on the couch. Namjoon smiled at him and started playing with his hair, relaxing the younger as he fall asleep.

When Jimin woke up, he was in his bed with his soft blanket over him. He yawned and walked out finding the apartment empty. He quickly changed into comfortable clothes and sat on the couch. He wanted to call Namjoon but didn't want to sound clingy so he didn't.

But he didn't have to wait long as he heard the door open and Namjoon walked in.

"You woke up? Did you sleep well?" He asked as he walked inside and placed the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah. Where were you?"

"Out. Getting something to eat."

Jimin walked into the kitchen helping Namjoon with the stuff and placed them on the table as he joined him.


"Thanks for taking me home." Jungkook said as he stood outside his apartment building, looking at the older boy.

"No problem kiddo."

"Why don't you come inside and eat with me?" Jungkook offered but Yoongi shook his head.

"Another time. You should go back inside. I've to go back to my part time job." Yoongi said ruffling the younger's hair who giggled. "See you tomorrow, kiddo."

He said and drove off as Jungkook watched him leave and turned around with a smile only to jump back in fear.

"What the- you scared me Taehyung!" Jungkook scolded Taehyung as calmed his heart.

Taehyung just looked at him not showing his expressions and then looked at the road where Yoongi was a few minutes ago.

"You are late."

"Yeah. We were working on project."

"Project huh?"

Jungkook walked ahead letting the older follow him.

Taehyung wasn't very happy today. After Hoseok scolded him, he was feeling really bad and wanted to apologise to Jungkook but now he was just feeling irritated.


The next day~~

All five of them were sitting at their usual table, Namjoon reading a book, Jimin talking to Hoseok and Jungkook and Taehyung just sitting blankly. Him and Hoseok were still awkward after the little outbrust.

After telling Jungkook that Yoongi likes Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook were secretly working on bringing them together.

"Hoseok. Me and Jimin made a new friend. Do you want to meet him? " Jungkook said and Taehyung became alert. He started listening to what they were gonna talk about.

" Yeah. You remember Yoongi, right? "

" The one you said was cute? "
" Hoseok!! "

This time, it was Namjoon who started listening to them, pretending that he was still reading a book.

"He is kinda cute. Cute like a cat" Jungkook joined and Jimin agreed with him." And he's also really nice. "

" And understanding. " Jimin added as the other two boys were squiriming uncomfortably in their seats. Both of them feeling jealousy take over their heart as Jimin and Jungkook tried to talk godly of Yoongi and convince Hoseok to join them on the project.

"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you guys." Jungkook said and added. "I invited Yoongi to sit with us from now on. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all"

The three boy looked at Namjoon and Taehyung who were not in agreement with the new arrangement.

"I- i mean this table was for us friends right? But Yoongi is not one of us."

"Yeah exactly." Taehyung agreed with Namjoon as he doesn't have a better excuse himself.

"But he is our friend." Jimin pouted and Namjoon just couldn't do or say anything else in front of him. So he gave up.


"What?!" Taehyung looked at Namjoon in shock but the older shrugged with a helpless look. "Whatever."

Taehyung grumbled and placed his head over his arms on the table.

"Loser." Hoseok scoffed making Taehyung stand up angrily.

"Say it to my face Hoseok!"
"You are a fucking loser, admit it."

" What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you being rude to me. "

" Nothing is wrong with me.. you are what is wrong here. So just admit to your feelings or admit you are a loser. "

" Fuck you! "

Taehyung said as he grabbed his bag and left the table.

" Why are you both fighting? " Jungkook asked and Hoseok shook his head.


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