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An Incomparable Friendship

Wherever this journey takes me,

I know who I should turn to;

In times of joy and in times of misery,

I am aware of the truth...

That people will cause you pain,

Attempt to bring you down,

Threaten to hinder your faith,

Repeatedly kicking you to the ground.

Wherever you go, you will encounter

People from different walks of life;

Not all of them will like you; but what does it matter

When God sees that you are doing right?

Before you quit in your plight,

Ask yourself this question:

To whom do I owe my life?

What is my true purpose?

Is it to please those around me?

In these people should I seek

My comfort and gaiety?

Should I rely on them in all things?

The answer is as clear as glass:

The presence of people may not last,

And they may bring disappointment;

Prioritizing them may not bring contentment.

But with the Lord Almighty God,

You will feel genuine love

That never ends; it runs deep

More than our finite minds can see.

He will never leave your side;

He will comfort you in the darkest nights;

He will not turn a deaf ear,

If to Him you draw near.

Hence, place all of your matters

In the hands of the Father;

There is no better helper;

If you are His friend, nothing else matters.

And if to the Lord you remain true,

And strive to do what is good,

Surely, blessings you will be given,

In this life and also when Christ comes again.

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