~ jail ~

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The dreaded jail. Well thanks to me you already know all about it. But thats not what were focusing on right now. At this moment we need to find out what the royals think about this. First is Techno. He didnt know how to feel about this but hate. Major hate if you ask me. After hearing what Tommy and Ranboo said, whatever nice feelings he had toward y/n had changed to hatred. And that hatred showed by him breaking y/n's wrist. Oh he knew it would happen. He knew his grip was too tight for the girls wrist. And he did feel her bone breaking. He heard her bone crack. He knew she was trying not to cry out. He knew she winced in pain as he dragged her on. None of it bothered him though. He had killed many men, so why should breaking one girls wrist bother him? Well it didnt if you'd ask him. But anyone can see it. Deep down it hurt him just the smallest bit. But why? Now on to the next prince. Wilbur. He was happy but confused. His joy was for that Tommy would get better and they wouldnt have to worry about y/n hurting them again. But he didnt actually know if y/n was the assassin even if everything pointed to her. She doenst seem like the type to try to kill an innocent kid, even if he was royal. Lastly is Tommy. He was lost, so being the child he is he shook everything off. He knew his family was doing whats best. But at the same time, were they doing the right thing? Yeah some evidence pointed to y/n but still shouldnt they investigate? But instead of saying that at the meeting Tommy kept quiet. Like any other teenager who didnt want to get involved.

King Phil and Queen Kristin. They didnt have much emotions after that. Honestly they kind of forgot about it all for the night. It was too much of a burden. But deep down Philza was wondering if this was the right decision. And Kristin. Well she didnt care what happened to y/n. Yes she was kind but her bad side could easily be shown when one of her sons was hurt, or tried to be killed. Now for the others. The guards could care less. They didnt even really pay attention to y/n except for when they were set on duty with her. But one guard in particular believed y/n. But he didnt know why. Maybe because it was how she cowered when him and the others surrounded her at the ball. Or how she didnt try fighting. Or how shes good with manners. He didnt know why he belived y/n. But some tiny voice in his head told him that this girl wasnt the assassin. But Tubbo and Ranboo were fully focused on this. Tubbo didnt see how a simple girl like y/n could poison Tommy. And how she cried infront of the royals. No one had ever done that, even if they were sentenced to death. It all confused the young boy very much. Lastly Ranboo. He practically knew y/n hadnt done it. She talked with Ranboo after he offered a drink to her. She never even really glanced at the drinks. And how would she know which one was Tommy's? Ranboo always kept an eye on her while they were talking. There was no chance she could've slipped the poison into the drink. But the boy didnt bring any of this up to the royals, he was too scared to. And if he would've, you ask? Well we dont know, but it could be possible y/n wouldnt be going to that jail in the morning.

Now your all probably mad at Ranboo for not speaking up. But shhh it wasnt his fault. He couldve never know that someone slipped the poison into the cup right after Ranboo got done talking to y/n. And he could've never know that someone "accidentally" bumped into him, purposly half-way emptying all the cups beside the one with poison. And of course he could've never know that y/n had been set up. No this poor boy could never of known that. Yet everything that happned that night lined up perfectly. But no one saw it, no one but the people who pulled it off of course. Now the sun has risen in Nazzulia Kingdom and now the time has come for y/n to leave the castle and go to, well, to the prison.


"Wakey wakey" a voice rung out in the dungens waking y/n up.

The girl glanced up to see Prince Wilbur unlocking her cell. She groaned and got up. Behind Wilbur out of y/n's sight from the cell Techno was standing with his arms crossed. Y/n ignored his glare and started toward the stairs just to be stopped by Wilbur.

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