~ the princes ~

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Back at the castle things were going pretty smoothly everyone. Technoblade had just gotten done talking to Philza and Kristin about y/n. What about her you may ask? Well in this chapter you'll find out. After that the King and Queen had taken there three sons, plus Tuboo and Ranboo to meet the triplets. The triplets were the newest servants to Nazzulia Kingdom. But thats not the interesting part about them. No thats not it. Its that they, are one of the most dangerous species in the Overworld, and probably Nether. You probably guessed it already but they're enderman. Not hybrids like Ranboo. Fully enderman. (I would like to say I used the twins idea from Tacenda but just changed it to triplets. So all the credits for these enderman go to Tacenda and the writer @Lillianna1125. And if you havent read Tacenda please do its a great book!) The were raised in the End, but once the young enderman could teleport the teleported into the Overworld where they mischievously messed with humans and others. But thats not how they got here. How they got here is not simple. The triplets were teleporting around like any other enderman. But when the three just so happened to teleport with their hands locked together at the same time it got them in a bit of trouble. You see enderman cant touch water, and they also can only teleport up to thirty-two feet. So when the three teleported at the same time with thier hands locked together it messed up their teleporting. The three got teleported to a small island in the middle of a lake, and the nearest land was over thirty-two feet away. They kept trying to teleport back but it was no use. The three were stuck there for a while. Thats until Prince Wilbur stumbled upon the lake.

This lake is located a few hundred yards away from the royal garden. So ocasionally when anyone in the castle wants peace they'll walk to the lake. So when the prince saw the three enderman waving their arms with upset or distressed looks on their faces he couldnt not help them. Wilbur went to King Philza who got some of his men to build a small raft that the enderman could teleport to. Now of course the triplets were overly happy that the royals had helped them. So then they did what any kind person, or creature, would do. The three offered to do anthing the king asked. And so Phil said he was short staffed, and needed someone powerful in the castle. And thats how the three enderman became high class royal servants in Nazzulia Kingdom. Now your probably wondering, who are these enderman. Well I'll tell you. Even if they are triplets of course on is older than the other. Imbra, they're the oldest triplet. Then there is Aviro, hes in the middle. And lastly Calypso shes the youngest triplet.

Now for how thye look. Well I bet you think these triplet enderman all look the same. To a normal person yes they might. But to someon who has to get used to seeing them everyday, the three look completely different. Now since Ranboo is a hybrid hes shorter than them, but still tall compared to a human. The triplets are only about a half a foot taller than him. But their height wasnt the only thing different and strange about them compared to Ranboo. Their whole body structure was long and thin. Like when the tall towers of the end were being built it streached out the enderman. They didnt have the natrual curves like a human, which set them out from the people. Their skin wasnt like a humans, or even an enderman hybrid like Ranboo. It was purple, but that purple color was barely visible becuase of how dark it was. Almost black. The triplets eyes were daunting, but majestic. A bright purple, almost lavendar, pair of eyes looking into yours. There jawline was sharp like ice complimenting their high cheeks. The long black waves of their hair that streached right above there pointy shoulders almost framed their faces. Everything about the enderman was daunting, but perfect. It all matched together in a striking way.


A few days passed since y/n had seen Zeve and Tae. She was now stuck in the stupid hospital room. The guards or warden never coming in. Ponk only coming in about five times a day, mainly just to give her the healing potion and golden apple. And that entire time y/n had been cold and shivering in her bed.

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