~ the end of a story ~

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The end of a story can end two ways, happily ever after or a in a tragic fashion.


This time the sun didn't wake y/n up. Hell it was barely risen yet. This morning a loud sound jolted her awake. She glanced around her room, the only light coming from the rays of the morning sun. Her hand shot up to the pendant that was now safely around her neck. She wasn't in danger, yet. Throwing the covers to the side y/n shuffled out of bed. Another loud sound made the girl jump. She glanced around her room, nothing was wrong. Walking over to the door that lead to the balcony she could feel the air vibrating not far behind her. Turning around there stood Calypso, a worried look sketched over her face.

"Calypso, what the hell is going on," her voice was barely heard as another loud sound echoed through, slightly shaking the walls.

"Phomid," the enderman whispered sticking out her hand which y/n quickly took.

Y/n closed her eyes as the ground disappeared underneath her and her body felt like it was spinning. As her feet hit ground Calypso let go of her and she opened her eyes to be met with many. All the royals, Ranboo, Tubbo, and the main four guards.

"Finally everyone is here," the king said as he glanced around the room. "If you were woke by those sound, it's Phomid firing canons at the walls. Everyone needs to stay away from the ends of the castle. Our troop are out there right now and Techno," he said looking at the prince, "You won't go out there till I tell you."

Everyone nodded and instantly the triplets came up, a hand out for whoever wanted to be teleported. Aviro appeared beside y/n and she gratefully took his hand with a smile, which he returned. And soon enough she was back in her room. Another loud sound echoed as she flinched. Aviro looked down at her and walked out of her room. Y/n thought that was strange, why wouldn't he just teleport? She shook off the though at sat on her bed, now slightly shaking. But a moment late Aviro came back with Technoblade, and y/n looked up to see the princes worried expression.

Once Aviro teleported away Techno rushed over to y/n who was still slightly shaking. He sat on the side of the bed and pulled y/n close wrapping her in a hug. The girl still wasn't used to physical touch so she did tense up at first. But as soon as both the princess arms were around her y/n melted into the touch, turning her head to rest on his shoulder. The sounds kept coming and every time y/n would jump. And every time she jumped the prince would hold onto her tighter. To y/n it felt like the sounds were going on forever, and getting more frequent.

Swift footsteps passed in the hall and Technoblade, who was no leaning his head on y/n's head, looked up. Hearing a faint knock on not y/n's door also made her look up form the princes shoulder. Worried expressions lined both of their faces. A moment passed and y/n just shrugged, placing her head back on the princes shoulder. Even a knock at her own door didn't make her look up. But Techno narrowed his eyes at the door and right as it opened he sighed. In the frame was now Imbra and Philza.

"Techno I-" his voice trailed off as he saw y/n's head pick up, the princess arms wrapped around her, "I need you come on." Philza finished and whispered something to Imbra who just nodded.

"You'll be alright," the prince whispered to the girl as he got up walking over to the king. A hint of amusement shone in Philzas eyes as Techno just mumbled a 'shut up' to him.

Once the two left Imbra walked in, silently closing the door behind them. Y/n wasn't shaking anymore but each boom made her jump. Imbra sat down on the floor right in front of y/n and leaned against the bed. The girl took the endermans hair and started running her fingers through it.

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