~ Niki ~

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Niki was finally on her way home. Well not on her way. She was in the kingdom, looking for y/n. She'd looked in her own house, y/n's house, and now shes looking at the trading center. She'd gotten their in the morning and has been worried since. The girl was swiftly walking, looking through croud for any sight of the girl. Her worry had started to grow. What if y/n had been hurt? What if she just left? Niki had many more thoughts but didnt dare to think them. She needed to find y/n.

But y/n was at the castle, roaming the grand halls not knowing where to go. She wanted out away from everything and everyone. She just wanted her life back. Where she'd spend time at the bakery with Niki then go through the trading center looking at all the things she wanted, then go back home where she'd just sit there with her dog and her mom. But no that wasnt her life. Niki wasnt here, she couldnt afford those jewels, and her mom and dog were dead. Her life was dead at this point.

Y/n had come up to a dead end. Which was supprising for the castle, she never thought there would be an end to the halls. She faced seven identical doors. One at the end of the hallway, three to the left, and three to the right. There wasnt anything special about these doors like the rest. They werent glass like the garden doors. They werent as tall as the ball room doors. And they surely werent as detailed as the entrance doors. They were just normal wooden doors.


Y/n looked behind her to make sure a maid or a butler wasnt there.

"Pick a card, any card," y/n whispered to herself, before walking to the farthest door on the right.

Her hand reached the door knob before she pulled it away. The knob was a pure gold. Looking closer at it the face of the knob had one small symbol on it, a sword. Looking at the other door she walked up to the one right at the end of the hallway. Its door knob was also gold but had engravings all around it unlike the other one. On the face of this one was two crowns. Moving to the door across from the sword room this one was much like it with the only engraving being just one crown on the face. The girl moved down to the next door. On this one had one disc on it. Y/n kept moving down. The next one also had a disc but it wasnt the same. She moved across the hall where the next door knobs face had an eye that kind of looked like an end eye. Now to the last door. Y/n looked at the face of this door expecting another carving on its knobs face. But there was nothing. It was blank, smooth. Her fingers traced over it juat incase she didnt see the carving, it was smooth.

The girl went back to the sword door. Questions traced her mind. Why'd they have engravings? Why were they different? What do they mean? She shook her head clearing the thoughts. They had to mean something and the only way to find out was by looking inside the room. Y/n put her hand on the knob and started to turn it.

"I dont think thats your room," a voice from behind caused y/n to jump.

She turned around still startled but instead of apologizing she rolled her eyes at the prince that somehow always found her.

"And I suppose my room is in the dungens, right?" y/n sneered backing away from the sword room.

Techno laughed, "Not this time."

He walked over to the one door that didnt have any engravings, "For once you have an actual room."

The prince opened the door and gestured y/n in. She was hesitant at first but when Techno motioned for her to go through the door again she walked through.

The room was giant. To the right was an open double door. It revealed a bathroom that seemed just as big as the room. In the back was a tub. To the right of that was a grand shower and a vanity with a light up mirror. On the left was a counter with a double sink. A chandelier hung in the middle with a fancy carpet right underneath. Curtains with gold and purple accents lined the windows on the back wall behind the tub. A jewerly box and makeup were set neatly on the vanity. The chandelier making the gold and white walls sparkle. The gold details on the wall seemed like they were glowing. Candles were lined up againt the mirror. Greenery sat on the counter, the vanity, behind the tub, and even hanging from shelves. The covered ceiling was lined with the same floral pattern as the carpet.

The bedroom seemed just as grand. Right across from the double doors that lead to the bathroom was yet another pair of doors. They were also opened but revealed and walk in closet wiht all the clothes and accessories someone could ask for. A fancy gold and purple chair sat in the corner with a small side table that had some plants on it. On the left back wall was a bed. The most royal and grand bed that y/n had ever seen. Gold swirls were making a frame on the wall where the bed sat. Under the swirls were the same curtains in the bathroom but they were shadowing a gold and floral mural. Then the bed. Purple covers with gold accents, pillows, and balnkets. The bed framing was engraved with all sorts of paterns. Two chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The ceiling was also engraved with gold. A small bench sat at the bottom of the bed. Then on the back wall was a kaleidoscope glass door that lead out to a balcony. The door made rainbows on the pertect white and gold walls. The room was perfect. It looked like it's never been touched.

Y/n didnt know what to think of the room. But right now thats not the focus.

Niki was frantic now. She was running around the kingdom hysterically. Tears were forming in her eyes. Her friend was gone, missing, possibly dead. She left for a while but Niki knew y/n could take care of herself, she did before she even met Niki. As she walked through town she started to lose help. Y/n wouldnt just leave without a note or something. The last time Niki saw here was when she walked her to the ball. Oh she looked gorgeous in that dress. Thats when Niki started to cry.


The crying girl looked up from the ground, "Hannah?"

"What on earth are you doing, Niki, whats the matter?" Hannah asked helping Niki up and putting an arm around her.

"Hannah, y/n I-I dont know where she is. Hannah she needs me she cant survive, I shouldnt have left her alone. Its all my fault," Niki wept putting her hands up to her face.

Hannahs face hardened a little before it settled.

"Oh Niki," Hannah whispered a small break in her voice, "You didnt hear?"

Niki pulled her hands down and looked at Hannah. She knew the worst had happened, but how? So many questions circled in her brain but only one came out.


"Niki shes, shes in the prison," Hannah stopped before continuing, "Prince Tommy was poisoned the night of the ball, the guards found y/n with a vile that contained the exact poison."

Niki pulled away from Hannah and whipped her tears.

"No no, y/n's my friend, she wouldnt do that, no."

"Niki Im sorry,"

But she ignored Hannahs words. She ran off to her house more tears streaming down her face.

Hannah stood watching Niki run away. Hannah knew Niki for long, but not y/n. But Niki talked about her all the time. She didnt think y/n would of done that but peope change.

"People change Niki," Hannah whispered to herself.

Niki is in denial! I love Hannah like shes amazing thats why I wanted to include her as much as possible becuase I know she sort of a small streamer def not as big as the other dsmp characters in this book. I also feel like she should be appreciated more. I love her sm. Also I will now be posting chapters quicker! Anyways have a great time where ever you are!

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