Chapter 20:

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I had watched as Pierce was about to kiss Celine and turned away heading back to the dorm. Pierce was upset with me already and no matter how much I cared about Celine, I wasn't right for her. Even though Pierce had the delinquent look, he was the perfect guy. Where as I was just one major screw up. I sat on the couch and turned the t.v. on trying to find something to watch. Somebody left their laptop open on the table and I saw Celine and the guys including Shelly, there smiling and laughing. Pierce had his arm wrapped around Celine's waist and I saw it then that he really liked her. I closed the laptop and stared mindlessly at the television. My phone rang and I answered.

"Hey, honey! How was school?" I grimaced at my mom's voice, but answered anyway.

"Fine," I said even though I didn't go. She squealed.

 "Good good, well sorry about the parent meeting. Diane called and invited me along to Milan, so we went there. Oh, hey did your father talk to you?" He had talked to me, but only about me missing classes.

 "About?" She sighed.

 "You're father was never one to spread info. I told him that I was coming to get you and that you would be staying with me to finish high school." My eyes widened.

"What n-" She ignored me and began talking.

 "I'll be getting you next Friday. Be ready. Ta-ta." Just like that she hung up. I flung my phone across the room and looked around. I grew up here, although a kid shouldn't grow up in a dorm, I didn't mind, because dad was here, and when I was old enough, he moved out and left me to it. I thought back to not being able to see Celine and began to get even more angry.  I put my head on my knees and thought of ways to get out of it, but then maybe I would be better off there. I wouldn't have to see Celine and Pierce everyday, and Celine wouldn't hurt as much with me here. The door slammed and I looked up to see Celine standing there.

 Up close she was even prettier. She was wearing a pretty turquoise blue strapless dress and her hair was pushed back. I was expecting to see heels, but Celine being Celine, she was wearing her normal converse.I closed myself off so she wouldn't see how happy I was to know that she was okay, to actually see it for myself. She looked down at her feet.

"Celine?" I said hoping she was okay. Her hands were clenched at her side and I wondered what was wrong. She looked at me and smiled her dazzling smile.

 "Hey you, long time no see." She walked towards me, but I stood and avoided her walking around the small coffee table. I saw the hurt flash in her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"Is everything okay?" I nodded and got to my door hand on the handle, but I had to say something.

"I hope you're happy with Pierce, he's a good guy."  I walked in my room and closed the door behind me. Yep, I was leaving with my mom. It'd make life so much easier. I went and laid on my bed, just to not get any sleep.

        *            *            *

The next morning I was up before sunrise and out the door. I would go sit in front of my first class, which I shared with Celine. Sighing, I managed to get a little bit of sleep. Mrs. Harp saw me laying on the floor and woke me up.

"What are you doing on the floor?" I looked at her confused and disoriented. She waited for my answer.

"I needed help with something." I said She nodded and ushered for me to walk into her class. I did and she sat at her desk waiting for me to tell her what I needed help with.

"Nothing, I forgot. Can I just sit here until class starts?" She raised an eyebrow, but nodded yes and went on grading papers. I sat in the back watching as the clock ticked and tocked repeatedly. I kept seeing Celine and Pierce in my head squeezed my eyes shut.

 The bell rang and everyone began filing in. Cheri saw me and headed my way, but I turned away. I saw Celine walk in and she was in such a good mood she smiled at Mrs.Harp. She saw me and her steps faltered but she kept walking.  Everyone swarmed around her welcoming her back. I wish I was sitting next to her an arm wrapped around her shoulder, but I'd be leaving soon and didn't want to hurt her anymore.    

After class, I got out of there as fast as I could so Celine wouldn't catch me.  Pierce stalked past me looking upset and tired, but I didn't stop to find out what was wrong. Shelly looked really tired and sick. She saw me and looked like she was about to say something but just walked away. Everyone was acting weird today.

                *            *        *

    I sat back at the dorm watching a movie when Celine walked in. She saw me and instantly burst into tears. My eyes widened, but I put my mask on.    

 "Is everything okay?" She looked at me and next thing I know she's slapping me. I couldn't hide my shock as she slid to the ground.    

 "Celine?" She shook her head.    

"Did I do something wrong?" She said through her tears. I shook my head confused.     "I'm tired of pretending you're just busy and you don't want me to get in the way. If you're mad at me or something, tell me. Don't leave me in suspense."

 I watched as she cried harder and couldn't fight it anymore.    

"Celine, I'm not mad at you and you didn't do anything wrong. I'm mad at myself." She sniffled and looked at me.    

 "What does that have to do with me?" I let out a humorless laugh.    

 "When your dad came up, I could have prevented all of that and you wouldn't have gone to the hospital." She shook her head.   

  "You idiot! You didn't know any better!" I shook my head, she made me sound like a kid.    

 "I've caused you so much pain since you've gotten here, but don't worry about it. I won't do it anymore." She laughed. She was laughing so hard, hysterically. I was seriously hoping she was okay. "Celine?"

 She looked at me then, seriousness written all over her face.    

 "It wasn't you trust me. When your dad abuses you for 7 years, you become emotionally damaged, but being here with you and the guys...I'm learning trust and actually breathe easily. So thank you for noticing so much and not making me that weird girl with the eye patch." I shook my head confused about the whole thing.    

 "So what about you and Pierce?" She looked at me confused.    

"What about him?" I sighed.    

"Aren't you two together?" She gave me this amused look and shook her head.   

  "No, we're actually mad at each other right now. So yeah." I eyed her in her school uniform, without her long sleeves, then remembered the day of parent meetings when her shirt was half unbuttoned. My eyes widened and I looked away from her.  I felt her move closer to me and when I looked back she was right there at my lap. 

"Arsen?" She whispered staring at my lips. I got the memo and leaned closer. For a moment she looked uncertain, then determined and her lips met mine. I don't know what was going on through my mind, but I felt happy. Like genuinely happy and not like I was kissing to satisfy needs. She rubbed her hand through my hair and I found myself pulling her up onto my lap. She deepened the kiss moving closer, which seemed impossible, because we were already so close. I pulled away and looked at her blushing face. I smiled at her and she returned with her own and I couldn't help but think "beautiful." I don't know where that thought came from, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and pulled Celine in for another kiss.

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