0Chapter 7: Celine

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Hey guys, sorry i haven't uploaded in a while. School life and sleep have kept me busy, but since I just so happen to be out of school, I shall upload at least two more chapters. I can't promise they'll both be right now, but it will be some time today. Enjoy reading!

I stood in the lunchroom trying to decide what I was going to eat. I had the choice between tacos, salad, and leftover lasagna. I really had a taste for tacos, but they looked like Frankenstein had made them. I turned my nose up at them and laughed to myself at the thought. I don't like lunchroom food, that's a good enough excuse.

I went for the salad and went to find somewhere to sit. I saw Crooks sitting in the back with all the other peeps. I smiled and walked back there.

"Yo, mama's boy." I said. He smiled and pulled a chair out for me.

"Hey."he said. I looked over at Dustin and smiled, he smiled back.

"Hey, Celine." Pierce said. I smiled and looked over at Cage still asleep.

"Is that all you're gonna eat?" I looked at the guy that reminded me of Johnny and nodded.

"The other food didn't look healthy." He laughed.

"Good choice," He reached a hand across the table.

"I'm Eight, by the way." I reached out and grabbed his hand, shaking it.

"Anyway, what are you about to do?" Pierce/Dustin asked. I shrugged, eating my salad. He stood, grabbed my tray, and motioned for all of us to follow him. Eight kicked Cage's chair and he jumped up following us. We ended up at Pierce's dorm and they all sat down and chose a movie. Eight and Cage were on the floor, leaving Pierce and I on the couch. Crooks wanted to lean on my legs. I caught Dustin sending him a glare, but Crooks ignored it.

The movie started and I realized it was the Lion King. I looked over at Dustin and gave him a knowing look. Lion King is his favorite movie.

* * *

We had gotten to the part where Scar was about to throw Mufasa off the cliff.

"NOOO MUFASA!!!!!" Eight said. I had to hide the smile on my face. I looked down at the boys and they were glaring at the screen.

"Stupid Scar!" Crooks said. Somehow in between all this, I made myself a Hot Pocket. Suddenly they all turned to me.

"You're a girl! Cry!" I stared at them, shocked and confused.

"What?" Cage sniffed and I understood. They wanted to cry but they were so manly and didn't want to ruin their rep.

"But I'm eating a hot pocket." For some reason this made all of them laugh. I was so confused.

"What's so funny?" Crooks was laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes.

"You are!" Dustin said. I just shrugged, slightly smiling and continued eating my Hot Pocket. At the end of the movie, they were all singing Hakuna Matata. I laughed so hard. Dustin came and picked me up, spinning me around. The guys all jumped up and started dancing along with us, making silly faces. It got to the point where I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I laid on the ground, no sound coming out of my mouth and clapping like a retarded seal.

There was a flash and I sat up finally calming down. I glared at Dustin.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" He smirked and looked away. I stood and walked over threateningly towards him. His eyes widened and I took a picture of him. Sticking my tongue out, he smirked and took another picture.

"Oh it's on!" I said. tackling him. He laughed and started tickling me. My eye widened and I began laughing.

"St-STOP!!" I said trying to get away from him. He just pulled me closer and continued to tickle me. It wasn't until he stopped that I realized all the other guys had left.

Sitting up, I leaned over on Dustin's shoulder.

"Hey, Dust Bunny," He smiled and put his head on mine

"Hey, Celery," I yawned.

"I'm sleepy." I could tell he was smiling.

"C'mon." He picked me up and walked back to my room.

Opening my door, he took me to my room. I flipped over and closed my eye and fell asleep.

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