Chapter 2

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I walked back to my dorm room. What was her problem? She just suddenly up and left like that. I opened the door and the guys were laying there watching a movie.

“Hey dude, what happened?” Someone paused the movie and they all sat up looking at me.

“She’s still staying here.” They all groaned. Apparently Pierce filled them in about everything. He stood and walked over to me.

“Want me to take care of everything?” I shook my head.

“Nah, I definitely want to get rid of her, but not yet. I say we have some fun first.” They all laughed and shook their heads.

“The things you come up with,” they said. We all sat on the floor and came up with a plan.

* * *

I practically woke up smiling the next morning. The guys and I had come up with the awesomest plan last night. Basically, I was going to show her what a horrible roommate I could be. I tried to stay up late last night to show her but she didn’t come back until maybe really late. I was still gonna do it, but by the time she got back I had become too lazy to move.

I sat in our small kitchen area that only my dorm had thanks to my dad, and pulled some cereal out of the cabinet. I heard her door open and she walked out yawning. She was still wearing her eyepatch but her bangs made it barely noticeable. She walked over and grabbed a bowl, sat at the table and reached for the box. At the same time I pulled the box back and she continued to pull. I let go and the cereal flew all over the place and into her hair. She grumbled and stood, walked back into her room and came out after a few minutes with clothes in her hand and walked into the private bathroom, thanks to my dad, again.

    I smiled at the new idea that popped into my head. Quickly dumping my cereal into the sink, I walked into my room and waited till I heard the water turn on.  When I was sure that she got in, I walked in prepared to flush the toilet so that she’d get hit with some really cold water but when I walked in she was wrapped in her towel her eyepatch off and hair pushed back and I saw that she had this huge line down the middle of her eye. It’s like it was sewn closed because she couldn’t open it. After hearing me knock the door open she spun around so fast that her towel almost fell; she gripped it tightly and wrapped it firmly around herself covering her arms and torso. She blushed really hard and I couldn’t help it. I stared at her. She moved closer and began pushing me out of the room. I let her, still shocked at seeing her eye.

   When she slammed the bathroom door again, I rubbed a hand through my hair and grabbed my bag heading to class.

                * * *

      “Yoo-hoo! Arsen!” I looked over at Cheri and frowned. I was still disturbed at what I saw this morning. My mind kept flashing back to the way her eye looked sewn shut. No wonder she wore that eye patch the whole time. I walked over to the table furthest from Cheri and I could tell she was pouting, but she understood the mood that I was in and stayed back.

    Mrs. Harp was a pretty mean old lady and she most definitely didn’t like me. If my dad wasn’t headmaster then she probably would’ve gotten me expelled  a long time ago. Another thing was that she hated tardiness and, well, almost everything else. The only thing she loved was making her students miserable. She smirked at me as she noticed that I walked in and I knew she was about to accuse me of being late, which I wasn’t. She started to walk towards, but I pointed to the clock. It was just now 8:50 and class started in another three minutes. She frowned and turned back, grumbling to her desk.

   The smile left my face when I thought back to--I didn’t even know her name. It started with a C. I shrugged when the bell rung and Mrs. Harp stood walking to the board and writing down some words that we were supposed to be putting in our notes. A few minutes later someone burst through the door. I looked over and it was her. Her eyepatch was back on and she blushed at the attention she was drawing to herself especially since her hair was still wet and making her button down shirt see through. She pulled her sweater close and looked at Mrs.Harp.

    “And who might you be?” the wicked witch said, smirking. The new girl was about to be given hell. She walked in a little bit further and stood looking at her feet not sure what to say.

“Well…?” Mrs. Harp said.

“I’m Celine Murphy. I transf-” Ms. Harp cut her off.

“Well, young lady, you are tardy for my class and I do not do tardiness,” she said. Celine tried to interrupt but Ms. Harp put her hand up.

“I don’t want to hear it. I’ll give you a pass this one time, but next time you won’t get by, now find a seat and hurry it up. I need to finish these notes.” Celine hurried to a seat, an open seat, and sat down. She pulled out a notebook and a pen and began writing down everything that Mrs. Harp was writing.

* * *

     After a few more classes and only that one with Celine, lunch finally came. I grabbed a drink from the vending machine and went to sit at the table with the guys. Pierce was sitting in his usual spot and left a seat open for me.

    “Yo, Arsen.” I nodded at him and pulled my chair around, straddling it. Crooks, who was sitting across from me “reading” his history textbook, gave me a nod and I nodded back. I looked over to Cage and he had his head on the table and was snoring pretty loudly. Eight, sitting next to him, kicked his chair and he instantly woke up.

    “What was that for?” he said sleepily.

     “How else am I supposed to wake sleepy beauty?” Crooks looked up from his book.

   “Umm, I don’t know with a kiss?” Everyone began laughing and making kissy faces. I shook my head and opened my can of soda, shaking my head. The guys went on making jokes while I sat there thinking.

Cheri came up a few minutes later wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Hey, babe.” she said in that annoying tone. I tensed but she ignored it and kissed me on my cheek. I mentally groaned and pushed her hands from around my neck. She mumbled something but pulled a chair up. All the guys watched her with amused faces.

   “So what are you guys talking about?” she asked, taking my drink and sipping from it. I sighed and stood, walking away to get some peace and quiet.

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