Chapter Thirty-Seven

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This chapter contains heavy and disturbing content!


Sebastian Knight was growing impatient. This was specifically why he didn't make deals with amateurs. It was one in the morning at this stage and he was supposed to have gotten his money and been out of here by midnight. They agreed to meet in an ally way on the bad side of town, one that never got much attention which was the only thing going in his favour at the moment. Suddenly the sound of footsteps echoing off the walls covered in graffiti were heard approaching him. His men armed up and Sebastian turned to see a figure approaching him alone. Pathetic.

"You're late. I don't like tardiness" Sebastian sneered as the figure approached him. He still couldn't make out his face with the darkness in the allyway. The figure stopped a few feet away from him.

"Where's my drugs?" The guy said, tone flat. Sebastians glare deepened. He didn't like the way he spoke to him so carelessly.

"Where's my money?" Sebastian replied, his tone more firm this time. The figure reached into his pocket, causing Sebastians men to raise their guns at him. He was unfazed however as he pulled out a stack of cash in a zip lock bag and threw it so it landed between the two of them. Sebastian raised a brow at the guys stupidity. He was evidently an amateur, and he was no doubt going to abuse that. Sebastian nodded to one of his men to get the cash, which he did, handing it back to him. Sebastian inspected it while the figure stood there in silence.

"Hasn't anybody ever told you not to come to a drug deal alone" Sebastian said absent-mindedly. On cue, his men loaded their guns and aimed towards the figure.

"Who said I was alone?" The guy replied humorously. Sebastian looked up at him just as shots were heard throughout the allyway. He looked around and seen his men dropping to the floor as shots were fired from above. As he turned back towards the figure, he was making his way towards him. Sebastians men tried to get in the guys way but he slashed their throats before they could hurt a hair on his arm. Sebastian was fearful. Even more so when he stood seconds later looking into Elijah Kings smug eyes right before everything went black.


Sebastian was startled awake when he felt an ice cold splash hit his skin. He gasped desperately, feeling as if he was drowning in the moment as he struggled against the restraints on his body. His hands were tied with barbed wire from the ceiling, short enough that he had to stand on his tipy-toes to prevent the wire from scraping his skin off. Already blood was oozing down from his wrists. He was standing in a puddle of water in the middle of the dark room, with only a few dim lights hanging from the ceiling. He lifted his head to look around him. In doing so, he seen all six King brothers staring at him blankly. He knew he was fucked.

"Morning sweetheart. Sleep okay?" Axel asked with a mocking smile. Sebastian couldn't even be bothered to answer him. He figured if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all, right? Wrong. Electrical currents surged up from his feet, sending immense pain to every single nerve in his body and erupting a strangled scream from his throat. The currents stopped after a short minute, leaving him panting. His body wanted to drop to the floor but the second he fell limp, the spikes from the barb wire reminded him why he couldn't.

"Here's how this is gonna go" Levi finally spoke, taking a chair and sitting on it backwards, his arms resting over the back of it as he looked at Sebastians distorted figure with pride. "We ask questions. You answer. You don't answer, you get a surprise. You take too long to answer, you get a surprise. You lie, you get a surprise. You give an answer we don't like, you get a surprise. Sounds easy, yeah? Well here's a hint, you don't wanna know what the surprises are" Levi spoke so condescendingly down to the man that it sent a shiver down Sebastians spine. He was mortified, surrounded my men that were young girl to be his kids and he stood before them, weak as anything in ripped up clothes and just bare feet. He was covered in injuries from head to toe that he still didn't know where they came from. He could only feel them.

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