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I can't see shit anymore, neither can I move. It's just a black void where I see, which sucks ass. The apple probably poisoned me and I'm dead because of that stupid scam apple. Shit, I'm probably in hell right now as I'm speaking. Wait.

I can't see.

I can't move.

But I haven't done something yet, and it was pretty obvious to do. Maybe I could yell? Opening my mouth, I screamed as loud as I could, but there's something wrong with it. I don't sound like I'm screaming, but more of baby crying. What the-

Opening my eyes, I was trying to move. Why is everything so big and why am I in a cage? I see a door and somebody opens it, revealing a woman. Wait, is she my mom? I'm still crying because I can't control that shit for some reason. My "mom" is trying to lull me back to sleep. Of course I settled down since I was baby and I instantly shut up, but her face expression, why is it so panicked?


"No, n-not yet-"


...Huh. They're speaking in Cantonese which I could understand since I can speak it. But, who's that yelling, my dad? Also, the fucks her problem? She looked at me disgusted while I was crying. Does she hate babies? I mean I hate babies since I can't stand them crying, but damn, I think I did something fucked up.

I can't hear what their saying since it's too fast, but bits of it I could hear. The man was yelling at her because of how I was crying for some reason. The woman on the other hand was sweating hard and then looked at me terrified then got at the room, shutting the door really hard.

Then I heard more fighting in the room. It was in a different room, so I couldn't hear what they're saying to each other, but they're still fighting.




Over the years, I found out a few things. It was currently 1996 and these people were in fact, my parents. Turns out, the man only wanted me as a heir to some company, I assume. I don't really know for a matter of fact, lets just say this is a  speculation. As for the woman, she didn't even want to carry me but she had to either way by force from what I could tell.

I'll keep it short, but that woman/mother I had is gone now. Due to some unknown reason, I haven't seen her for years now, and I'm turning 6 now, but she disappeared when I was 2. I'll assume she probably left because she couldn't deal with him.

Ever since she left, the maids and butlers took care of me. Of course, they were nice but it felt awkward. It's not because of them, but it's just that I'd probably never have a mother figure in this life.

As for my father, his company is Huang Co., I don't know much about. But, his public image is really clean, but I found out that he does some nasty things behind the scenes. Not like I could do anything, I don't even have proof and even if I did, he'd silence them with money. He doesn't give a shit about me nor acknowledge me at all. Hell, I don't think the public knows he had a daughter. I think the only time he has was giving me a black card last year of my 5th birthday. I mean, I'll take it since it's free money.

It's currently July 3rd, 1996 and I'm walking around Shibuya for my birthday. I ran away from my butler since I wanted to be alone for a bit. Each store had either clothes or food, but I didn't really think clothes would matter since I'm more into simple stuff.

Right now I'm wearing a short sleeve collar with a short dark blue tie along with black shorts stopping mid thigh. My shorts have black suspenders to keep them up. My shoes are normal black flats with white socks that go up mid calf. It's simple enough to wear.

Usually, I don't have money with me since I'm not old enough yet physically to keep the money with me. Usually, the butler going out with me is the one who keeps it so, I can't get money either way.

Sighing, I tried to find my butler, but I forgot that my ass doesn't know directions. Even before, I get lost and I couldn't say what direction I was at. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW A COMPASS WORKS UNLESS I SAY "never eat soggy waffles".

Walking, I saw an alleyway near by. Of course, nobody would go into an alleyway cause you know, IT'S A DANGER. But, I was curious to go in there. I mean I've been threw alleyways in my past life with no harm, what's the worse if I go inside there?

Damn, I haven't made a fanfic in years and even if I did, trashed the idea instant. Also, I should mention this is a 'x OC' book for ya'll confused. Anyways, she has a name but I haven't revealed it yet along with her appearance. I just haven't drawn it yet.


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