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Ever since being in Tokyo Revengers and just being some delinquent, I'm not even a delinquent. I'm just some girl who dresses like a guy and sell illegal shit on the internet. I'm so glad that I'm going to see the Bloody Halloween fight even though I hated that arc. Not because Baji died, more or so because of how boring it was to me. I lost interest in that fight and I liked the Kanto Incident/Tenjiku arc because it was actually interesting along with Three Deities.

I'm just wearing a black bomber jacket, dark green shirt, black sweatpants, black sandals, black leather gloves, aviator glasses on top of my head, and my black face mask. It looks fine I guess, just don't let Takemichi, Mitsuya, Hakkai, all of Valhalla, and Haitani bros see me. My cover gets blown. Maybe some self defense will work too incase shit happens to me...

Grabbing my box cutter, I stashed it in my left pocket. Glad I have gloves, they usually don't leave fingerprints on things I have on me. Halloween huh...

Damn, wait I don't even trick or treat and people in Japan don't even do that if I'm correct. Eh, at least it's better than just getting candy, I'm out here watching a whole brawl up in this bitch.


I'm just sitting on a car, laying there, shit I came here too early. Whatever, maybe sleep will work and shit, I just needa be comfortable. I need my fucking console, about to play Persona 3 Portable ON THE FUCKING PSP. I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF THE GAME IS NOT OUT YET, which came in 2009, I AM BORED AS A FUCK.

Oh yeah, remember how I said I brought a box cutter, I have a glock too. It's in my holster though, only for emergencies though, or I could just shoot a car for fun and stuff too...

Actually, I don't wanna catch a case of guilty, so maybe next time, yeah...

All the other gangs are just talking and waiting for the fight to start. I'm just here getting comfortable for a fight to watch. Hm...

Oh hey look the Haitani brothers! Rindou! And uh...Ran.

I just remembered something Ran said, which was highly illegal! That's the sound of the police! Actually I have the power to do so, aka arrest, but like I need him in the Tenjiku arc. If he dies early or gets arrested, who knows what the fuck happens to this universe. Better yet, what the fuck did I do with keeping Shinichiro alive? Is he even alive still...

Oh hey look Toman and Valhalla!

Chifuyu's face beat up, Takemichi suprised, ew Shitsaki, Mikey somehow not cold and somehow has abs at 15, and Draken for some fucking reason who's also 15, yet 6 feet for some god damn reason.

Chifuyu's talking about the famous people, I'm just using my box cutter and stabbing into the car next to me.

Is that...shit he's the dude who got his shit beat by Kazutora. Uhhhh...Hansen? Anyways, as he introduces the gangs, this feels like some wrestler match or WWE or Worldstar. Worldstar...shit I'ma laugh my ass off, hold the laugh stupid bitch!

Oh shit, Hansen's ass beat by Kazutora!


"HEHAHAHAH- Sorry." Laughing like some devil before getting my composure back. Damn, they looking at me weird, they stopped shortly after so like no big deal.

Banana boy says that overseeing fights and conditions are weird, which they are for a gang fight like this. The dude eatting his snacks, bro mad hungry for real. He just like me.

The brawl now happens and, wow.

This is funny as fuck, not cool!

It looked way cooler in the anime!

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