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Looking at the S-62 Gen, they look like who they were in 2003. Izana with long hair, Rin with his blond and black hair, Ran but his colors are vise versa and not in braids, Mocchi looks the same, and Mucho. He's uh...fuckin bald, his bald spot is shining, I'm not kidding. Shion, he's looks okay, but like he got the Kisaki ah cut kinda, doritios ass. Ok now I'm too harsh on Shion. There's also somebody behind them, can't tell though, BUT WHY THEY FUCKIN TALL HOLY SHIT.

Anyways, I'm kinda pissed cause I still mad at Haitani bros for fuckin up my limbs. But like, now I look like an ass to the guests in the house. But I don't wanna introduce myself...

"Razor...introduce yourself." Kenta says, slapping the back of my head cause it was just silence for 5 seconds. That slap hurts like balls, just like how this sentence makes no sense.

"Huang Razor." I bow in front of the older people. "Nice to meet you."

I just look at all of them, and saw the person in the back. I just stare and stare, not talking, Kenta's just there looking at me trying to say something, but the last time he did that, I almost punched him.

"Okay anyways, I'ma just go to sleep, have fun eatting people." I say going up the stairs. "Kenta, I'ma take the vacant room wake me up in a few hours, also save me some leftovers, thanks."



You know the reason why I'm in a vacant room by myself, sleeping. Do you? Actually why an I asking? YOU LITERALLY ARE HERE FOR MY RESPONSE. The anwser probably won't even suprise you, but here it is.

I'm actually really bad at social interaction as you know, but everytime I do talk, it's just non sense almost all the time. It's to the point that I stopped talking for periods at a time, and the fact that creeping up behind somebody scares the living shit out of em.

Yeah...not really interesting...

I just laying on the bed, my belongings are on the desk and chair, including my tie. I'm just wearing a messed up collar shirt and navy blue pants, if that's even the color. Yeah, I'm not good at color identification.

Shit, I'm drowsy all over again...this never happens...why? My diet's fine along with my health, so why am I so drowsy...

Maybe a nap can help me...


"---, WAKE UP. THIS ISN'T A JOKE. Please...don't die..." Who's yelling? "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS."



Suddenly, I saw what was happening. Wait, is that...me? Why am I on the ground? My skull bashed in...

How did this conclusion even happen? Is this the current timeline I'll die in? IS THIS A PREVIOUS TIMELINE, I'M CONFUSED AND SCARED, AM I DYING SOON.


I'm hyperventilating. I don't wanna see anymore...

Covering my eyes, suddenly I wasn't in control of my movements, I started to try and rip my eyes out.



Snapping my eyes open, I started to have trouble breathing and I feel like vomitting. Covering my mouth and hugging my stomach, I went into the bathroom and started to barf in the toilet, I feel disgusted by seeing that dream. That isn't even a dream, it's a nightmare or sign I'll die, shit. Now I don't know what to do...

Suddenly, hearing the door open, wait. AH FUCK FORGOT TO LOCK IT, they probably heard me throw up or they needed to take a piss or something.

Looking up, huh. KAKUCHO?

"Kaku...cho?" I said squating near the toilet when I was throwing up. I should act dumb and be confused why he's here. "Why are you here?"

"I uh...heard something upstairs while we were eatting."

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"Only 30 minutes."

It wasn't even an hour when I went to sleep...damn, I just took a nap.

"Hey Kakucho, there's an extra seat on the table right? I wanna eat..." I said wiping the vomit off my face with a tissue. "Don't tell Kenta about it. He'll start to get into a worry frenzy."


So, here we are, sitting with a bunch of 15-16 year olds mostly likely since some of the S-62 were 17-18 but the time 2006 hit. Everybody's talking in the table, but I'm just cooking and eatting with some rice. Suddenly, I was asked something but couldn't hear who it was.

"Hey Razor?" Kenta's speaking. "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, now leave me alone." I say taking a bite of rice and tofu together. I know I sound like a bitch, but I just wanna be quiet for a bit, I don't feel like talking.

"Well uh...oh I know!" Kenta says thinking of a question. "Maybe you should tell them about how we met?"

"Huh, you didn't tell em. I'd thought you already did it."

"Well, everybody here talked about things, but not you. Besides, you never really talk about your life."

"Yeah...because I rather it be kept a secret, but I'm nice enough to tell these people how we met." I say a bit annoyed, my life at my home is getting worse. The maids started to gossip around me for no reason other than me being like my father more. Despite both of us living together, I never see him anymore, been like that for some years. There's also some boom sound I hear at home, but it's aways in the basement...

Anyways, I told them about my self a bit, on how I live in Ikebukuro but visit Kenta time to time along with how we met.

"So uh...yeah."


Honestly, despite them all being really scary and stuff in the manga, they're all pretty kind. Kakucho's the easiest to talk to even though he's my first and current only friend right now, I have a hard time with the Haitani bros., cause uh...yk.

We're all currently playing Mario Kart, and I'm just beating the shit out of everybody. I mainly threw a ton of shells at almsot everybody. When Kakucho threw me a blue shell, I WAS ZOOMING I TELL YOU. I was in second place while the first place was Shion somehow, he was in at the time, so I Bullet Bill'd the blond guy's ass to the racing line, giving him the middle finger.

"HEJAJSJXBXA DUMBASS-" I say smiling while enjoying my victory.

He got mad at me while I was just calm. He gonna beat my ass, bet you guys $10 he is.

"Is it always like this?" Izana asks, he seems weirded out since at first, I was pretty quiet and seemed to not like company.

Kenta's sighing from my behavior, "Yeah...it's not the first, she's done this to me as well."


A/N: It's a lil rushed 💀💀💀 sorry, worked on this at 10 pm rn, so I'm a lil stupid rn.

Probs may be asking, which probs not is, "WHERE THE S-62 DIALOGUE, WHY DO THEY NOT TALK IN SPEECH???" I'm just lazy to put dialogue. Yeah, I know right, simple ass answer. Also because I suck at it.


I realize that one thing in common w my first 2 drawings, are that the fact the necks are ling as hell, Wakui influence probably. This actually has happened when watching/reading a series such as when I watched Jojo's, I developed this ass artstyle trying to copy it. So yeah, honestly they'll get reworked soon in the coming weeks.

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