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A/N: Mitsuya eats shin noodle for lunch!


Sweating hard at what they were going to do at me, I probably should think of a plan, BEFORE I DIE LIKE THAT VICE CAPTAIN FROM HEAD TRAUMA. Come on, think! Don't be a fucking dumbass in this situation! YOUR LIFE IS AT RISK BITCH.

I can't move cause Rindou fliped me and put my hands behind my back and he's now sitting on me. Actually now that I think of this, it's a lil erotic? I think that's the word? I actually don't know. It's probably the wrong word, eh whatever.


Suddenly, I felt something hit me on my left ankle, shit it's Ran's baton. Screaming from impulse, he shattered my ankle. It doesn't hurt that bad, but it does at the same time. Drooling from how I was screaming from the pain, I had to just stay there. Shit...Rindou's heavy as hell, I can't move.

Suddenly, I saw a baton in my face...RAN PLEASE DON'T DO IT. MY ASS CAN'T BE FUCKING UGLY, I NEED TO GET HOES BRO. I'm sweating real hard now, I'm suprised they're not disgusted by it. I'm like slippery as fuck.

Slippery...I'm not going to do that. That's disgusting.

But it's a good idea though.



Suddenly, the older Haitani hit me with the baton on both my cheeks. Not my ass, my face cheeks, wait this sounds wrong on so many levels to be honest for me. Trying to not cry out like a baby, I tried to repress my tears to not fail.

Shit, I don't wanna get hit again by the baton or-



Giving another blood curdling scream while I was drooling from how long my jaw was open, I think I might die from this encounter, it hurts a lot. Suddenly, I heard something, foodsteps.

Looking around, I saw one the maids rushing towards the scream, finding me. I think I'm saved, but she took awhile. A real long time, I have like, 2 broken bones, which fun fact, I never had broken bones until now. But seriously, why the hell did it take so long?

Suddenly, seeing the maid giving a harsh kick to both the brothers in the stomach, she checked up on me. She looked at my face from the beating.

"Master Huang! Are you okay?" Kneeling to aid me, I just look at her innocently and just cried. Though, it's more of crocodile tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but got some bones broken though. Also..." Grabbing her face, she looked at me confused, until I slapped her, changing my demeanor. "The hell did it take for you to get your ass over here."

I stood up at her while she was kneeling at me, shocked at my expression. It hurts standing a little bit, but honestly, from the casino to here, it would only take 10 minutes, not this long. Seriously, orders I gove them should be done perfectly and now, not later.

I honestly don't care about the Haitani brothers right now since I only care about my problems, not theirs.

"...I'm sorry about the outburst miss...also I needa get rid of that body." Pointing to the body while my mood changed. Also, HOW DID NOBODY SEE THE FUCKING BODY? "It's gonna stink up if you keep staying like that. Go and help me idiot."

The maid understood my orders and dragged the body to the car. I told her that I'd be fine on my own while the two brothers were there. Shit, broken bones hurt, at least it wasn't my ribs.

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