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YA'LL PROBABLY MISS ME HJSOHXJXNXJSN. I'm back HOE. This pic reflects ya'll...probably.

Okay anyways enjoy.


Days have passed...and lemme tell you that I'm near the Musashi shrine, watching like a god damn creep. I be the fucking animatronic in god damn FNAF and Toman's the security. Anyways, I got that mask on and my fit AYYYYYY. I sound like I'm a 50 year old trying to fit in with a bunch of high schoolers. Jesus. I WASN'T EVEN A ADULT WHEN I GOT INTO THIS WORLD.

Moving on...

Takemichi's ass getting scared by Toman members, Mitsuya helps him and yeah. HINA BEATS PISS HAIR'S ASS, GO BITCH YEAAAAA. You got the meeting, yadada, YOU GET THE POINT. I just leave cause there's nothing I need to see, just so boring. From doing nothing, being a smart ass kinda, and now stalking a whole gang...

My eyes locked onto Takemichi's by accident, that's my que to go!


Running away, I just went to a random area of Shibuya and just looked at all the things I see. I should plan out what I should do while the story continues in the future.

Since Kanto Manji grabs all of the gang territory of Kanto, maybe I should try to get all of Kansai then. So maybe after Tenjiku, I try to expand my empire of illegal shit and run Kansai. Not only that, maybe Izana or Mucho could aid me...or they can be in Rokuhara Tandai, aka South's gang in 2008. I'll just have the odds to my favor...yeah...

I should actually do some bidding right now, sell some narcotics and hopefully get the highest bidder to pay me that cash. I need the Huang Co. to stay alive to keep it as a front. I also haven't delt with Kenta's father yet. He's still in China and if he ever gets into contact with Kenta about the job with me and Kenta doesn't remember, I could cause suspicious shit on me.

...I'll just kill him, the old man needs to rest...yeah...PERFECT.


"Yo, I need ya to kill this old man, he's in China and-"

"China? We only do Japan."

"¥30,000,000,000 (roughly 223 million dollars) take it or leave it."

"...never mind, give us the location."

"Already sent it, now kill him in the next 72 hours, if you don't, you'll only get ¥300,000,000 (roughly 2-3 million dollars)."



In my room, I'm doing some biddings for this pretty expensive narcotic I got. Low and behold, higher bidder payed a whopping ¥1,000,000,000 (roughly 7 million dollars) just for that. Getting higher and higher in bids...amzing.

Honestly, this is way fun that I thought it would. The government hasn't caught me, neither the police, even hacking into databases was fun. I mean, I sold the info for tons of money! 10 MILLION DOLLARS IS WHAT I'M SAYING, AND THIS IS A GOOD THING. SURE IT AIN'T BIG YET, BUT WILL BE BIG SOON.

Eating some left over chiffion cake I bought for myself, recently...I just haven't been feeling me. I'm getting too lonely probably, but everybody's so boring. I wanna get friends, but yet I just push then away because they getting annoying fast...

Man...I'm starting to become hoeless like Shinichiro.

Getting tired too...maybe some sleep will work...


Waking up...

Looking at my phone...I BERN SLEEPING FOR DAYS.

Maybe I should lay down with the illegal selling shit. I stay uo for days at a time just from that. Maybe that'll work, also I'm running out of food.

I'm going to take a shower and go out to get some items.


It's nighttime...

I'm wearing a black mask, a white shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. Doesn't make me suspicious and stuff.

Going outside to the market near me, I got some of vegetables, meats, and some snacks. Being in Tokyo Revengers...got boring now. Nothing's happening right now, and I have to be behind the scenes. Wishing I was an adult so I could drink, could have been easier...

Maybe some take out would be nice, I don't really feel like cooking...

Walking to my apartment, I saw a restaurant where there was a group of guys talking to each other, it's those Toman leaders. I miss talking to Mitsuya, but I can't since I'm doing my own thing now. I just look at Mitsuya before walking back since he didn't notice me. He's my only connection to Toman along with Hakkai. If I were to ever talk with them both and wanted to get into Toman, maybe that could work.

I'm finally back to my apartment and ordered some takeout...

My diet is going sideways...


Another day...I guess.

I'm starting to get less happy and more bored. Gaming doesn't work, and either does doing the things I like. Heck, I stopped selling narcotics and shit this day. Maybe I should go to a festival and-


August 3rd...

I know what I'll do! I'll just go to the August 3rd Festival thing and play some games. Maybe even fight some people? I haven't fought in awhile, but I've grown I guess. I can do hand to hand combat now and not just kick people. I mean sure, I could kick everybody in the balls, but they're gonna be like "THAT'S AN UNFAIR FIGHT". UNFAIR FIGHT MY ASS BITCH.


I should make lunch, skipped on breakfast today, some rice, leftover duck, and leftover crispy pork. I bought it for my dinner yesterday, but couldn't finish it. Microwaving some rice, I just wait til it's done heating up.

And finally...time to eat.

The duck meat is tender along with the sauce helping the flavor come out. Crispy pork has that crispy shit on top of the skin. Rice helps balance it out. Man...good shit.

Maybe I should eat with friends next time...

If I even had any right now...

I would get bullied at school right now if I even attend school because I have no friends to hang out with.

Now...just gotta wait a few weeks tik August 3rd have the time of my life, hopefully.



Writing style here has gotten kinda sloppy, but hey! I'm back! Unfortunately, it won't be as update frequently like my other book, Homunculus, aka, Jujutsu Kaisen x OC thing.

I'm not really into Tokyo Revengers anymore since its manga finished. More into Jujutsu Kaisen again cause of the manga and stuff. Maybe when season 2 hits, I'll like it again? Also...



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