Chapter 39

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These words made Da Wa puff out his little chest and got Er Wa to stop drooling and his eyes shone instead.

But Zhou Qing Bai persisted on dividing the ribs between the mother and sons, and he drank the soup.

Da Wa and Er Wa's expression displayed how touched they were.

Father was reluctant to eat it and gave it to them!

Lin Qing He: ... you really know how to dote them.

This soup's rib meat was simply heavenly!

Still, she accepted his goodwill. She shot him a glance. Zhou Qing Bai was also watching her.

"Quickly eat it. Once you finish, go to rest on the kang. The weather is pretty cold." Lin Qing He pretended to not mind and look away.

After the whole family ate, Zhou Qing Bai was about to clean up the tableware, but Lin Qing He passed San Wa to him. She cleaned it up herself.

It was still that phrase. There were so many days to work in the future, no need to be anxious about this moment.

However, it was obvious that Zhou Qing Bai was someone who couldn't sit still. He couldn't stand it if he were to rest all day. After taking a nap, he went to sort the backyard.

Seeing that he really didn't want to lie down, Lin Qing He decided not to stop him.

In the afternoon, Mother Zhou came again. Lin Qing He had already thrown a tantrum when required. So naturally, she couldn’t stay being in the right and not forgive. She declared, “I can stay. But if I hear you guys ever pick on me, then I will pack up and leave immediately!"

Mother Zhou was in a bad mood today. Father Zhou was also in a low mood at home. Of course, Father Zhou didn’t think Lin Qing He would leave. He was down cause of his son's retirement. But after listening to his wife saying that his son was injured, he couldn't care about that anymore. He instantly asked Mother Zhou to bring some money over.

Mother Zhou had yet to take out the money when she heard her talk. She quickly reacted: "You can rest assured. You have separated off now, meaning were two families. How you live here, old Zhou Family won't intervene. No one will say you are in the wrong!”

"Judging by the injury on Da Wa's Father, if it's not properly maintained, it will probably leave a root of a recurring illness. I don't want to be widowed while I'm still young. And in the future, I'll need to boil medicine and serve him. Can you look around and see if anyone wants to sell chickens? If there is, help me buy two.” Lin Qing He said. And then with a resentful face: “I don’t know what sin I committed in my last life. This life, I have to follow this kind of man. First, serve his sons, now wait on him. I'm born with a hard life!"

Although she was listening to her complaints, the stone pressing in Mother Zhou's heart was put down.

Let her complain if she complains. In the end, she was still willing to catch chickens to nourish her son. Wasn't this good?

"But I don't want old Zhou's family's. Now Third Sister-in-law is about to give birth. Don't say that she can't even eat chicken during her post-natal confinement as it will be eaten by my family." Lin Qing He pointed out.

Mother Zhou initially wanted to catch two from her family. Old Zhou family had eight big egg-laying hens. At this time, the chickens were raised per headcount, and one chicken per two-person.

Old Zhou family, including grandchildren, had a total of 17 people. So they can raise eight chickens.

Eight chickens seem a lot, but in fact, they were not enough to eat. And the eggs should be kept for selling to buy salt and the like.

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now