Chapter 54

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In the evening, Lin Qing He supervised Da Wa over his writing practice and math before letting the three brothers sleep.

Zhou Qing Bai moved the three sleeping brothers in a row at the end of the Kang and freed up space for the two of them.

Lin Qing He 's heart leaped out. Then she remembered her menstrual period and became calm.

Zhou Qing Bai said quietly, "It's time to sleep."

Lin Qing He nodded: "Sleep."

As for sleeping, Zhou Qing Bai had eaten mutton today. So sure enough, he was restless. Lin Qing He indifferently pointed out: "My period is here. Behave and sleep properly."

Zhou Qing Bai was disappointed when he heard that.

Lin Qing He slept comfortably. The kang burned was heated at dusk, so they could sleep warmly all night. After all, her seven-jin quilt wasn't covered for nothing.

And also a four jin was added on top.

"Sleep." Even Zhou Qing Bai was disappointed, at least he could still hold his wife to sleep.

Lin Qing He was cuddled in his arms. Feeling that her heartbeat speeding too fast, she uttered, "I can't sleep if you hold me!"

"You can." Zhou Qing Bai spoke sulkily.

Lin Qing He mentally refuted, 'Then you wear a pair of pants. You ate lamb again tonight and had abstinence for so long, so at this moment, that spot is very spirited. With that against me, how can I sleep?'

"Wife." Zhou Qing Bai called out.

Lin Qing He felt the man's voice was pleasing, deep, sexy, and magnetic.

However, Lin Qing He chose to pretend to be dead. Tonight, she made a mistake. She thought he couldn’t do anything, so she ignored him and forgot that she had to sleep with him!

The three brothers' sleeping quality was excellent. At this moment, they were asleep. They will wake up in the middle of the night to pee and drink a glass of water before snoozing to the next morning.

Zhou Qing Bai didn't get a response from his wife, so he didn't say anything. After all, holding his soft wife was also a very enjoyable thing.

"Still not sleeping?" Lin Qing He pretended for a while and could still feel that he hadn't dozed off. The hand resting on her waist was extremely hot.

"Wife, when does that go away?" Zhou Qing Bai said sullenly without answering the question.
"I don't know." Lin Qing He uttered in a displeased mood.

"Wife, you don't want me?" Zhou Qing Bai sighed.

Lin Qing He mentally answered, 'I don't. Not one bit! Quickly go to sleep!'

She directly turned her body to face the same direction as the children. Zhou Qing Bai huddled over from behind. Lin Qing He could still feel his enthusiasm for her very clearly.

After the New Year, Zhou Qing Bai was only 28 years old. While she was 24 after New Year. She was 4 years old younger than him.

But whether it was twenty-eight or twenty-four, it was the period of young people's passion ah.

After being provoked by him, Lin Qing He's heart became erratic. However, she paid no mind to him.

Before she thought it through, don't even think about touching her, no matter how fervent he was.

Lin Qing He didn't fall asleep until about 9:30 that night. Only when Zhou Qing Bai felt that his wife was sleeping, did he dozed off with regret.

Forget it. Let's take it slowly. It seems that his wife hadn't completely put down her prejudice toward him.

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