Chapter 157

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After the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, the weather became slightly colder.

Lin Qing He began to take apart and wash last year's quilts and cotton clothes. At this time, the sun was still blazing during the day and the wind was quite strong, so it was a perfect time for this.

The process wasn't short. At least, Zhou Xi coming over to help her, it was more efficient.

"This year, you have grown a lot taller." Lin Qing He said to Zhou Xi.

Zhou Xi shot up this year. She used to be malnourished. And in the past three years, the two siblings had gotten older and earned more work points, therefore they can eat until full. Although the nutrition was still insufficient, she was no longer like the previous little bean sprout.

Zhou Xi grinned and said, "Aunt, when do you plan to go to the city this year?"

"You want to buy something?" Lin Qing He asked.

"I want to buy some red dates." Zhou Xi meekly smiled.

"Then I'll buy some back for you next time. Girls fare better when they eat more red dates. You don't need to eat a lot each day. Just eat three or five." Lin Qing He responded.

Zhou Xi smiled with closed lips and replied, "I listen to Aunt."

"Do you need anything else?" Lin Qing He asked.

"My brother's clothes are too short. I want to make him a new set. Aunt, will you grab a piece of cloth for me when that time comes?" Zhou Xi mentioned.

Coupons were issued every year. When Lin Qing He gave Zhou Xi cotton last year, Zhou Dong gave Lin Qing He all the coupons then.

Coupons were also distributed this year too. The brother and sister pooled together, so they will be able to get a piece to make new pants for Zhou Dong.

"Okay." Lin Qing He agreed.

Mother Zhou also came to help in the midst of unpacking and washing the quilt. With the three of them, the pace picked up.

After being disassembled and washed, they sewed it back together. When this year's winter isolation is here, they can take it out to wear or cover.

According to the lunar calendar, it was August 15th, while the solar calendar said it was already mid-September. At the end of this month, the horn of the autumn harvest will sound.

So after the quilt cover was removed and washed, Lin Qing He began to hike up the food at home.

Loach and eel were two frequent dishes on the family table. Lin Qing He had exchanged for them with some young teens in the village.

If they caught loach or eels and can't finish them, they can bring it over to ask her if she wants it.

In the eyes of adults, Lin Qing He was unvirtuous and don't know how to live. While which kids or even the young teens didn't envy Da Wa and his brothers for having a mother like Lin Qing He?

Therefore in the eyes of the children, Lin Qing He's reputation was excellent.

They would naturally listen to what she said.

Once they caught eels, they brought it over. Then Lin Qing He gave the money for it. Even if she gave it a dime or two, it did not hinder the joy of these young teens.

They feel that Da Wa's mother really kept her words. When she said exchange for money, she did.

For half a month, Lin Qing He inventively cooked the meals every day. She boiled the soup, braised and stewed the pickles, making Zhou Qing Bai's face rosy from all the nourishment.

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