Chapter 1: Amnesia.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

It's dark, it's raining, I'm drunk and I'm driving.

I have a bottle of booze sitting in between my thighs and I'm crying, my heart hurts so bad and my hands are shaking, I clench my fingers around the steeling wheel in order to stop them from shaking but I can still feel them vibrating.

Lose you to love me by Selena Gomez blasts from the speakers in the car and it just makes me feel like screaming.

I grasp the neck of the bottle and I bring it to my lips, chugging and coughing out the painful heat it brews down my throat.

What am I doing? I hate alcohol.

I break out in more tears, yanking the necklace from around my neck, I stare at the beautiful star necklace, my chest squeezes and I throw it somewhere around the car, sobbing.

I shift my eyes back to the road.


I'm in the other lane, there's a car coming in front of me, honking.

Panicking, I jerk the car out of the road, I hit into something, tires screech, car flips, glass splatters everywhere and.....

I wake up with a loud gasp, sitting up on my bed and placing my hand over my speeding heartbeat.

Shit, not again.

I fall back on the mattress, wiping the beads of sweat off my forehead and shallowing my hurried breaths. I turn my head to look at the sun peeking through my apartment window.

It was just a dream, I try to convince myself, except, it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory, the very last memory I have about my past.

I lost my memory after that accident.

Brain damage.

Little pieces or not at all.

Those were the words I picked up from what the doctor said to my parents three years ago.

Some people said that what happened to me was a tragedy but I think otherwise.

That accident was the best thing that ever happened to me. fucked up? I know, but that's how I feel. I mean, wouldn't you wanna forget certain events of your life?

I might not know who I was before but I do know that I was so very different from the person I am today.

I never used to go to parties, never took pictures with random people I met at a concert, never talked back to my parents or dyed my hair all crazy. I'm everything my past self wasn't, I'm a different person, a different story.

I'm fully open to whatever the world has to offer, my friend Myra says that I'm so social it would be so hard to find my killer if I were to get murdered.

She definitely wasn't social, she didn't even have one friend. We're talking about a girl that went to church every Sunday, every Sunday.

Oh and by she, I mean my past self, I've actually divided myself in two.

Olivia Conner one and Olivia Conner two.

I'm number two, of course.

Number one is long gone, I doubt if she'll ever come back.

But sometimes, who I was before the accident is all I ever think about, all I ever question about.

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