Chapter 43: Scheming

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

A part of me doesn't want to but it has to be done.

I have to find out what Jace is hiding. Now or never.

The plan was to text Cassandra on social media but Myra suggested something easier.

If Jace dated Cassandra in highschool and is still hung up on her then he probably still has her number, Jace trusts Myra with his devices so she's the right girl for the job.

The new plan is for me to distract Jace while Myra "borrows" his phone and steals her phone number.

Easy. I think.

The only problem is that Jace has been nothing but sweet to me for these past few weeks, he takes me out on dates, photographs me because I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen, he texts me first thing in the morning even though we only live a few feet from each other and he supports me and makes me feel beautiful.

I don't know about Olivia one but no one's ever made me feel like that before, he makes me happy.

But then again, deep down, I feel like it's too good to be true.

Whatever it is that he's hiding from me, it's going to change everything.

"What are you thinking about?" He speaks, his deep sexy voice vibrating his chest, I turn my head on his chest to look up at him.

"I'm watching," I turn my face back to his laptop.

"No, you're not," he laughs, I sit up, bringing all my attention to him.



"About this... situationship, is it just about the sex?" I ask him.

He smiles at me, like my question is quite amusing, "No, Olivia, it's not just about the sex, you know it isn't." He tells me.

I do know that, I actually don't even remember the last time we had sex but I still needed to hear it from him.

I open my mouth to respond but my phone chimes on his bed, my eyes dart down to the screen.

It's a wink emoji from Myra.

I guess that's my cue.

"The girls need me," I grab my phone and start climbing out of bed.

"Okay, you wanna go for a walk later?" He asks.

"What are we, sixty?" I slip into my sneakers.

"Ha ha, funny, c'mon, we can bring that dog you like," he suggests, I smile.

"Now I'm sold, see you then," I kiss him on the lips before making my way out of the apartment.

I've never been so afraid of walking into my own apartment the way I am right now.

The guy across the hall has been nothing but a mystery since the first day I met him but this is it, this is the day I find out the truth.

Fuck! Why couldn't this be a girl meets boy and they live happily ever after kind of thing? Why does it have to be so fucking complicated?

I finally find the courage to open my door and walk in, Myra and Izzy are in the living room, talking but they both go silent when they notice me.

"So?" I ask, feeling something crawling up my throat.

"I stole two numbers," she tells me.

"She has two numbers?" I squint my eyes in confusion.

"No, the other one belongs to a guy named Diego," she says.

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