Chapter 48: You'll Be Okay.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.

His side of the story is worse than I imagined.

I feel like throwing up.

I feel like getting out of here, of this entire apartment building, I feel like running on that sidewalk until my legs give out.

I haven't cried, I don't know why I haven't cried but my insides are bottling up with all kinds of emotions.

I love this guy, there was a part of me that said it was just lust but right now, I know for sure that it's love cause only love can make me hurt the way I'm hurting right now.

But the question is, is this guy real?

The Jace from three years ago was nothing like this Jace. This Jace is perfect and he makes me feel safe but what if he was just doing all those things because of what he did to me? What if it was all an act? What if I'm in love with someone who doesn't exist?

I decide to snap out of my head and listen to what he's rambling about.

"Liv, please, I know I fucked up but I'm here now, I'm here for you," he pleads, stalking closer to me.

I pin him with a glare, "You're here for me?" I question in disbelief.

"Yes," he nods, his eyes gleaming with tears.

"I don't need you to be here for me, Jace, I don't need you, I was good before you moved into this apartment, I was happy. But since we're on the subject, do you wanna know who needed you?" I ask him.

He starts shaking his head like he knows exactly what I'm going to say, "Please don't do this to me,"

"The girl you left on that road," I say it anyway, "That Olivia needed you to be there, Jace, your face was the first thing she wanted to see when she woke up in that hospital bed but you weren't there, you never showed up," my throat closes up as I let the words out but I still don't cry.

"I just explained why I didn't show-"

"Fuck you!" I shove his chest in anger, "They told me I was drinking and driving, Jace, they've been telling me I was drinking and driving ever since that night and you know what? I believed it, I believed it so much that I actually had nightmares about it, about me driving while drinking, that's how good of a liar you are!"

"I'm sorry," tears escape his eyes.

"You're sorry? Look at me," I raise my arms in the air, taking a step back so he can take a good look at me, "I became this version of myself that I swore I'd never become, I was not this party girl with crazy hair and a wild personality, see, I built this personality because I didn't know who I was, I didn't know where to put myself," I breathe through my nose.

"I wanted to come and see you, I really did," he tries to come closer to me but I raise my hand in warning.

"Yeah but you didn't, am I even the one you were talking about in the cafe that day? Was I the love of your life?" I ask calmly.

"Yes, of course," his answer comes out rushed and quick.

I shake my head at him and his answer.

"You're selfish, you lie, you manipulate. Love? It's not all about that, I don't think you understand that," I say.

"No, no, no, don't say that, you're the only person I care about right now I swear to God,"

"Then why keep hurting me, huh? What kind of love is that?!" I raise my tone again.

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