Chapter 30: Just Friends.

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Three years ago

Jace's POV.

"And then she just ignored me in front of this dude." I pass the vape pen back to her while I exhale smoke.

Cass and I drove straight to her house after we ditched class, she has a flat screen tv in her room, hence why we're sitting down on her pink carpet, leaning our backs against her bed and switching between Netflix and video games since we got here but the movie she picked is kinda boring us out so now I'm telling her about the hallway thing while we vape.

"So what's the problem? She already told you she didn't want people's attention at school." She grabs the bowl full of popcorn, takes a handful and shoves it into her mouth.

"The problem is that she was flirting with this dude." I complain.

"Or they were just talking?" She squints her eyes at me.

"No, she was giving him those googly eyes." I point to my own eyes.

"Or maybe she was just amused by whatever the guy was talking about." Cass says suggestively.

"You weren't even there." I shake my head.

"Jace, what are you accusing this girl of?" She leans her head back against the edge of her bed.

"I'm not accusing her of anything, I just hate how she ignored me, I hate that I can't laugh with her in front of everyone or kiss her." I say honestly.

"The same way she hates how you're pretending to be with me." She says, I twist my head to look at her over my shoulder, she's already looking at me. I also lean my head back against her bed, meeting her eyes.

"You don't know that."

"I do. She's not cool with it, Jace, she's not cool with it and deep down, you know it." She says.

She's right, Olivia was never cool with it, I just told myself that she was, infact, I wanted her to be cool with it.

I sigh, looking up at the ceiling.

"Am I making a mistake?" I ask.

"What'd you mean?" She questions.

"Never mind." I rub my forehead.

"Don't second guess your relationship just because she ignored you once, you like her, focus on that." She pats my shoulder.

I do like Olivia, I like Olivia so much it's hard to concentrate on anything else sometimes but I can't help but feel like my relationship with Olivia is missing something, I don't know what it is but I can feel it's absence.

"I don't know how to have sex with her without thinking about what happened last time." I admit to Cass.

"What happened last time?" She lets out a small laugh.

"I didn't know she was a virgin, I mean, she didn't tell me so I didn't do it the way.... You know." I don't know how to let the words out.

"How rough were you?" She gives me her full attention, placing her elbow on her bed and letting her hand support the side of her head.

"So very rough." I shut my eyes in regret.

"That must have sucked." She mumbles.

"She wants us to try again but I don't think I'm ready." I stare at her, "Wait, do you think that's why she's mad at me? Cause I don't wanna have sex?" I raise my brows.

"I don't think she's mad at you, you're just overreacting." She rolls her blue eyes.

I feel like I'm gonna go crazy thinking about this stuff.

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