Chapter 42: Not My Fault.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

"Hey, hey, hey, take it easy" Tyler yanks the bottle from my hand.

"I just can't stop picturing them having sex in his car while my mind was filled with stuff like where I was going to take her for our second date, I mean, I suck at those things but for her, I was willing to try," I rub my clammy hands against my jeans.

"What was so special about this girl anyway?" He wrinkles his face at me.

"She made me feel like I was ready to change, you know? Like I was ready to be a better version of me," I slur thoughtfully.

"And what do you feel right now?" He asks.

"I feel like staying single for a very long time, I don't want anyone else to make me feel this fucked up again," my chest heaves and I swallow the heavy lump in my throat.

"Yeah, the life of the party is the easiest thing there is," he pats my shoulder.

"Do you have any pills?" I bring my shaking hand to my neck, feeling the lump grow stronger and stronger.

"I'm not giving you any pills," he sounds determined.

"Oh c'mon, I just wanna feel something else, I can't keep feeling like I'm gonna die at a fucking party," my hand falls from my throat to the arching thing in my chest.

"Cassie's gonna kill me," he mumbles underneath his tone, sounding defeated, "I only have molly," he tells me.

"I'll have it," I respond quickly, his hand reaches inside his front pocket but then his eyes travel behind me and he seizes his movements.

"Oh, shit," he retrieves his hand from his pocket.

"What?" I ask without turning around.

"Cass is here," he announces.

"Is she looking?" I ask in a lazy tone.

"Yep," he nods, "and now she's coming over." He shifts in his seat and looks to his other side.

"What is he doing here?" She towers over us.

"I invited him," Tyler responds.

"Shouldn't you be at Olivia's?" She looks at me, scolding me.

"Why do you care?" I half whine, half groan as I sink into the couch.

"I was looking for you earlier at the race, Blair said you went to Olivia's," she explains.

"Why were you looking for me?" I reach for the bottle on the table where Tyler had placed it.

"Because I wanted to kick your ass for posting that damn picture, how do you expect me to explain that shit to my manager? She specifically said, no more teen drama," she says.

"I didn't post it, Blair did," I lean back on the couch, taking a long sip.

"But she...." she cuts herself mid-sentence, "That little bitch," her face lights up in realization.

"Yep," I sip again, my mind suddenly reminding me of Olivia.

I slept with Tristan.

Her voice whispers itself in my head and I groan, ruffling my hair in anger.

"What's wrong with him?" She sits down beside Tyler.

"Nothing," I answer.

"He got dumped," he tells her.

"By who?" She asks, "Cause I know it's not Olivia," She says.

"I dumped her, actually," I correct Tyler.

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