Chapter 25: Bail.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

I don't regret doing what I did.

I did it for Cass, I fucked with a one point nine million dollar car for Cassandra Richardson and I'm not even shaken by it, let alone regret it.

I've thought about her since I got locked in here, I don't think I've realized it but Cass and I have a lot in common, she understands me more than I understand myself and we haven't even known each other for that long.

But the question still stands, where does that leave Olivia?

Things with Olivia are too complicated, it wouldn't be like that with Cass, we'd just fuck and smoke weed all day every day.

But at the same time, I know how toxic that would turn out and I don't need another one of those.

I sigh, turning my head to where Diego is singing his ass off.

Jail is hell.

Hearing Diego sing while we're in jail is worse than hell.

I'm laying on the cold metal bench, Diego is standing by the jail bars, singing, the guy that was thrown in here after us last night is passed out on the floor, covered in blood and vomit.

"Somebody please shut him up." The guy groans from where he's laying on the floor.

"Oh my God, he's alive." Diego widens his eyes at the guy.

"You thought he was dead?" I snort.

"Well, he wasn't moving." He lifts his shoulders.

"I wish I was dead." The guy mumbles, sitting up and leaning his back against the wall.

"What'd you do, kill your wife?" Diego asks jokingly.

"I hope I did." The guy responds in a serious tone, Diego and I glance at each other. "What did you guys do?" He asks in his hoarse and dry tone.

"Well, Romeo over there thought it was smart to destroy a million dollar car." He responds to the guy while fake smiling at me, I raise my middle finger.

"Do you think I should ask Cassandra out?" I ask randomly.

"Bro? We are in jail right now, getting your dick wet should be the last thing on your fucking mind." He points out.

"Yeah, yeah, but hear me out." I sit up, resting my elbows on my knees. "Cass is an amazing girl, fucking hot, I relate to her, she relates to me and we'd be awesome together." I explain, he narrows his eyes, giving me that suspicious look.

"Jace, are you trying to get with Cassandra so you don't have to be attracted to Olivia?" He asks, demonstrating with his hands.

"That's fucked up." Says the guy covered in puke and blood.

"What he said." Diego points at him.

I heave a sigh.

"No, I think I genuinely like Cass, she's beautiful, funny, wild and she's the only one who hasn't hit on me in a long time, she makes me feel comfortable around her, I mean we literally slept in the same bed, drunk and didn't do anything."

"Okay, fine but what about Olivia?" He questions, "You took her virginity in what she explained as "pure torture" then you left and didn't call or text to check up on her, you stopped dropping by her house and now you're trying to replace her with the hottest girl in town?" He asks, sounding confused.

"Wow, and I thought I was the biggest asshole to walk the earth." The other guy laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.

Okay, now I feel like shit.

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