Chapter 2: The Girl In White.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

Life is unpredictable.

Typical, right?

Maybe but I'll tell you this, nothing about my life is as it seems, half of it is just so...


You'll understand what I mean in due time, as for now, in this locker room, I'm finally captain of the football team but I'm not feeling like a team player.

Every single one of us have dreams, my dream was to play football in a stadium full of football fans screaming my name everytime I do a touchdown.

Football was my only dream but that dream just got killed by an injury, I had this injury last year and I didn't take it seriously. I continued playing without seeking medical help and when I did seek medical help, it was too late.

The doctor said I might get a fucked up little limp for the rest of my life if I continue playing so I guess what I'm trying to say is that tonight's my last night on the field and my last night being team captain.

That lasted like sixty seconds.

No one knows that this will be my last game but I intend on telling them after we win.

And on top of all that shit, I walked in on my girlfriend being fucked by one of my teammates last night.

Also typical.

My girlfriend- scratch that, ex-girlfriend Sandra was controlling and she wanted us to do everything on her terms.

I'll admit that we did look good in other people's eyes and a part of me liked keeping up a certain reputation but enough is enough, it's senior year, it's time to grow the fuck up and let go of toxic people.

I give my team a motivating captain speech, throwing in a few cuss words cause that's the only language they understand, they slam their fists on our lockers on their way out, screaming like the beasts they are.

I hang back, giving myself a pep talk about the game even though my head's not in it.

I take three deep breaths, grabbing my helmet from the bench and heading out of the locker room.

Walking through these empty hallways makes me feel like I'm walking out of my own life, football is my life and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself after tonight.

I halt, suddenly remembering that this is about to be my very last football game, then the image of Kevin banging Sandra in her bedroom, on her bed where I used to-

Goddamn it!

Rage fuels my body and my fist collides with a locker door.

It hurts. It actually hurts.

The fuck?

I run a hand through my curly hair, my mind becoming foggy with thoughts and my body vibrating with so much anger.

I won't lie, I've cheated on Sandra more than I can sit down, think and count but I've never thought about her doing it to me or me being so bothered by it.

I continue walking in the hallway but I don't think I can play tonight, I know I can't play tonight.

I'm not ready to let go of my only dream.

I open the door to a random classroom, walking inside and letting the door shut behind me.

I notice someone else seated in the middle of the class, alone in the dim room.

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