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The screen went blank. Again. 

"Well, there's only one thing I want to say - Damn."

"Ok, so, first of all, who touched it?" asked the turquoise haired man. 

"We didn't" replied the grey eyed girl and the green eyed boy at once. Man this is tough. Can't they just tell their names and get over with it?

All the kids who appeared out of nowhere rose their eyebrows at that. 



"Not me. Nope. I wish to live my life than get murdered by my own father. So, yeah. No." replied Reg?

"Rosie? Scorp?" 

"Why do you think I would do that Ted?" answered the blondie named Scorp.

"I know much more than all of you put together the consequences of meddling with time. So, you really think that I would do it?" answered the red haired girl named Rosie.

"What about you Ted?" started the green eyed boy.
"Did you do it?" ended the grey eyed girl. 

"No. Why would I?"

"Then who did it?!?!"

"Can you all please stop this and just tell us who you are?" said Hermione.

It was asked as a question but, boy, they all do know that it really is a demand. An order.

"Damn. She's still scary."
"And to say she's only 15." 

"Uh- yes. Introduction. Yeah. I - why didn't we think this could happen? Why were we not prepared for this?!?" exclaimed Ted.

"Shhh...calm down Teddy bear."
"We were imagining this from the moment this idea was proposed."
"Now Hushhhh." 

"I am Edward Remus Lupin. I am 23. A Hufflepuff. And an Auror. My parents are - Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks." said Ted. 


Then - 

"Whoooohohoooooo. Moony's got a kid with Dora!!! Pay up bitches!!" exclaimed a very overjoyed Katherine. 

"Excuse me? I am your godfather, young woman." answered an annoyed but a very happy Sirius.

"Wait. Do you-"

"No dad, I ain't a werewolf. I just get moody around the full moon." 

Remus looked relieved. He was very happy that he has a child in the future. Leaving him was enough to make him feel guilty but with a terrible disease, Remus would never be able to forgive himself. He looked at Dora who was already gushing over their little boy who was not so little now. He was thankful that Kate took care of Ted after he and Dora left. But he was also sad for Kate, as she thought Ted was hers. He could see the happiness in her eyes, when she saw Ted for the first time in real life. It's not as if she's not happy now. She's overjoyed that her Moony has a little boy, but a tiny part of her heart is sad that she isn't the mother of the little bundle of joy. Who's not little anymore. But that's besides the point. 

After everyone settled down, the red haired girl started. 

"I am Rose Katherine Granger-Weasley. I am 15. A Gryffindor. I am not into quidditch like dad, but I love studying. My parents are Hermione Granger-Weasley and Ron Weasley. I have got a  little brother named Hugo."

Hermione and Ron both started blushing. There was chaos again. Kate collected all the money. Again. How many people has betted on?!? 

"I am Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. 15. Slytherin. Chaser. My parents are Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass."

Cue the exchange of the money. 

Now there were only 4 kids left. 

"I am Regulus Sirius Black. I am 18. In my seventh year. A Slytherin through and through. Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. I play a seeker just like my namesake. And I want to be an Auror after I graduate just like my parents and cousin dearest here." said Regulus, the grey eyed boy.


"Carter's son?"

"Yeah, we saw that didn't we?"

"We are -"
"Leo James Black-"
"And Estelle Minerva Black"
"15, a Gryffindor"
"A Slytherin"
"chaser for our respective teams"
"We are also known as the Black Twins."

"This is Gemini Narcissa Black. She's 3. And our parents are -"

Everyone held their breaths. This was something important. Astrophel Black had 4 children with whom? Astrophel was silent through all of this. He was ecstatic at the news of his children, but who their mother was - he just hoped it was her

"Our parents are - Astrophel Black and Katherine Potter!"

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