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"What's all this commotion?" an unknown voice came from behind Astro.

They turned to find Estelle Carter, Astro's mother, standing there with confusion written on her face. But that confusion soon melted into delight as she saw Teddy.

"Teddy! Come stai, mio caro?" (How are you  my dear?) 

"sono bue- buo-" 

"You mean to say 'sono buono'?" (I am good)

"Sì." Teddy smiled.

You see, Teddy was a fast learner. Where 1 year old children couldn't even speak properly, Teddy understood and spoke broken English and Italian. He learned Italian from his Nonna, Estelle, and his godfather Astro. 

"Oh hello, Ronald. How come you're here today?" asked Estelle.

"I am here to pick Teddy up. Kate can't seem to stay away from him. So .." Ron trailed off.

"Oh yeah, sure. But wait a minute."

Estelle acciod something. 


"Here, Teddy. Have some chocolate. And the next time he's here, Draco, don't forget to inform me or I'll chop your head off. I didn't get much time to spend with my grandson." warned Estelle. 

"Thank you, Ms. Carter. I'll leave now. C'mon Ted, let's go. Say bye."

Teddy waved to everyone and they left the manor.

Suddenly, Estelle started coughing hard. 

"Mom, are you alright?" Astro was worried for his mother's health. 

"Yes, Astro. I am alright. No need to be worried. It's just cough." reassured Estelle.

But Astro knew better.

He could see the blood on his mother's hands that she was trying so hard to hide. 

He needs to take her to St.Mungo's. before it was too late. 

He already lost his father, he can't loose his mother too.

"I am fine, Phil. Don't worry about me. I am not gonna leave you this soon. I HAVE to attend your wedding first. Then I'll play with my grandchildren for hours and hours, and you would be tired of me not giving your own children to you. Save the thought of me dying for future, honey."

"MOM! Don't say things like that. I'll never wish ill upon you."

"I know that, darling. I was just kidding. Can't a mother joke around with her son?"

Astro hugged her tight. 

"Anyways, enough of this sappy stuff. Tell me, why were you not letting Teddy go?"

"Mom, I-"

But he didn't have any words.

What would he say?

Because he wanted to meet Katherine?


What would he say when they meet?

He would never be able to forgive himself for what he did.

He would never be able to look at her beautiful, mesmerising emerald green eyes without remembering the look of heartbreak, insecurity and pain on her face.

He would never be able to make her smile again.

He would always find hatred in her eyes. 

He was shocked that she even let Teddy be with him.

But he would do anything for her forgiveness. 

The guilt was killing him.







"Was only the guilt killing you, Astrophel?" 

Even between all this commotion, he managed to hear her timid voice.

He looked to find Katherine with hurt clear in her eyes.

No, It's not just guilt. 

It's not being with you.

It's waking up and not seeing you lie next to me.

It's not being able to see that beautiful smile of yours.

It's not being able to hear your sassy remarks for my comments.

It's not being able to hear your jokes, whether they are lame or not.

It's not being able to hear your melodious laughter again.

It's not being able to fight on little things.

It's everything, Rin.

I want you, I need you, and I just can't stay away from you. 

You are the one who doesn't let my demons haunt me.

You are the one who doesn't judge me for anything.

You accept me for who I am, perfections and flaws.

I don't know why I did, what I did. 

But I'm sure that it's for your own good.

Please forgive me, Cara mia.

Astro wanted to say so many things. He was hoping she would understand what he means because he is sure it's clear in his eyes that he is regretting whatever he did already. 

And maybe Katherine did understand. 

But she didn't show it because she turned away from him looking at the screen.

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