"Phil's" Entry

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"Wait, does this mean I'm dead or lost or something?" Kate questioned.

"Oh...um...you will get to know about it later in the movies. So, why not just wait for a bit?" Rose replied hesitantly. 


"So, shall we continue the movie?" asked Dumbledore.

"Yeah, I guess." replied Teddy.

"Wait!" All eyes were now on Estelle.

"We still don't know who pampered with the time turner." Continued Leo.

"Did you both do it?" asked Regulus.

"Reg, you siriusly think-"

"that it was us?" the twins counter-questioned him and then laughed at their own pun.

"They truly are my grandkids" James and Sirius stated in unison.

"Well...yeah?" replied Regulus.



"But it could not have been them. They were with me and Scorp the whole time." defended Rose.

"Thank you, my deer friend."

"Thank you, my future sister-in-law."

"Woah! Future sister-in-law? What the hell is going on? My daughter being married to a Malfoy?! Never!" exclaimed a very confused Ron.

"It's nothing like that dad. Ellie!"

"Oops?" chuckled Estelle.

"Wait guys, we're diverting from the main topic. Who pressed the button?" Teddy asked bringing everyone back to the topic. 

They suddenly heard a giggle. 

"I did it, Eddy" giggled Gemini. 

"You pressed the button?" 


"We're stuck here now. We don't know how we'll travel back!" exclaimed a horrified Scorpius.

"Calm your tits down, Scorp- " "Language"

"Yeah, Scorp. Let's enjoy our time here, kay?"


"I think we should start with the movies." says Regulus.

"Will it resume or skip the parts?" 

"I think, I may be wrong, it will skip that part. The movies, once started, can not be paused. That's what it said in the manual." replied Rose. 

"So, let's start?" "Yeah"

"NO Teddy! Say Thee-" 






If you couldn't guess, it was Theo trying to teach Teddy say his name.

"Well, close enough. Better than last time with him calling me 'eeoo'."

"I guess I was wrong. It resumed."

"It's time for food Teddy." called Draco.




"I think he's asking for us to choke him?" interpreted Theo.



"He's asking for chocolate, assholes." an unfamiliar voice came from behind them. 

They turned to find none other than, Astrophel Black. 

"Oh my!"

"He looks like a Greek God."

"Damn him and his good looks!"

'Hmm...not bad, stronzo.'

"Astro, finally. You're here. This moron was eating my head." said Draco.



"Well, thank me later by going to the ministry and getting some work done for me."

"I didn't-"

"Anyways, what's this young man doing here?" Astro picked Teddy up in his arms.

"Unwle Phil?"

"Aww...he calls Astro Phil."

"Yes, Ed?"

"I want choceee. Unwle Dray not give me chocee." complained Teddy.

"è così, piccola?"  (Is that so, baby?"

"Damn his Italian accent with his looks."

"Sì. Bad unwle Dray"

"How come a child, who's not even a year old may I add, know two languages!?!?"

"Yes, bad uncle Dray. C'mon, we'll go get some chocolate. Alright?"


"Hey! Don't make me the bad guy here. It was your godmother who instructed me not to give you any chocolate." exclaimed Draco.


"Godmother? She was here? When?"

"Wait, mumma?"


"She's not your mom Teddy, She's your godmother. Aunt Katherine?" corrected Theo.

"NO! She my mumma."

"You were pretty stubborn, Ted"

"Were? Please. He's still stubborn as hell."

"Shh...Theo, fight with Teddy afterwards. To answer your question, Astro, a few hours ago. She was here to drop him and will come by to pick him up at 6." replied Draco.

"She'll come here? Well then she has to talk to me cause I'll not give Ed back to her until she does." said a determined Astro.

'I'll finally get to see you after so long, Cara mia.'

"Cara mia?"

"He calls you Cara mia?!"


While Lily and Hermione were gushing over the fact that Astro calls Kate Cara mia, he was being bombarded with questions.

"What about hating her?"

"What about not wanting to see her face?"

"What about 'don't even say her name' ?"



"If you couldn't guess, they are married now with 5 kids! Now please don't start asking questions again. You will get your answers eventually."


"Not a single word, Dad" warned Rose.

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