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After explaining Jacob everything, they all sat down to resume the movies. 

"What do you mean a trip?" Katherine's voice echoed.

"A trip, Kay, a normal trip" Hermione repeated.

"Mia, nothing is normal when a bunch of teens, who are magic might I add, go on a trip alone."

"I second that. Once me and my friends went camping in a garden in the muggle world and somehow ended up in jail for burning a lady's fake hair. I still don't remember how though..." someone trailed off.

" are a 'bunch' of teens 'alone'?" Ron asked with genuine confusion.

"He's...actually making sense..."Katherine wondered aloud with a thoughtful expression that mirrored the on screen and off screen Ron while Hermione shook her head at the two dimwits she called bestfriends.

"That's...actually sensible. For once you used your non existent brain, Ronniekins." Ginny said, actually impressed.

Katherine, Ginny and Ron were pondering over that when Hermione's vocie snapped them back.

"Guys, focus. We are going to the trip. I already told Professor McGonagall we would. That leaves no room for argument. I was just informing you all. And oh, Ginny, Luna's coming too, so thank me I said yes on your behalf."

"What? Luna's coming..." a blushing Ginny was left to her fantasies. 

"OoOoOohhhh...Someone has a thing for the pretty blonde huh?"

"Our wittle sister-"

"-grew up so fast" Fred and George fake cried while Katherine, Blaise and Theo were already planning Ginny and Luna's wedding in their head.

"But, Hermione, what if Ast- Carter's there too? I'm sure he will be there. And what about Teddy? The trip is for 3 whole weeks. Where do I leave him till then? He will give a headache to Molly and Arthur who finally have sometime alone after kicking out all these dumbheads out of the house. I cannot give him to Andy, she's already very sick. I don't want to burden her. And...who else is left? No one who would take care of him for 3 weeks. And anyways, I can't leave him. I won't be able to live without him, Mione. How can I? Look at him." They all looked at Teddy who was busy eating a chocolate cake, well, drowning would be a more appropriate term. And as he felt everyone look at him, he cracked a cheeky grin at them before bobbing his head up and down as if signalling that Katherine is right.

"Oh, Kate, you would never bother us. And anyways, we are accustomed to the noise and chaos these seven make. Teddy is the most decent of them all. I'm sure I wouldn't have minded. You can come to me whenever you want. I'll be there for you." Lily was thankful her daughter had such wonderful friends and was surrounded with so much love even if herself and James were not there for her. But a piece of her heart broke when Molly said she'll always be there for Kate. Lily wanted to be with her daughter. She wanted to have special moments with her, she wanted to be someone Kate could turn to when in problem. She wanted to be there for Kate.

"I know, Molly. And thank you." Kate said, overwhelmed with emotions.

Yes, she could not spend time with her parents but she had parent figures in her life who tried to make her feel loved. And she loved them for that and so much more.

"But seriously Kay, you need to get out of here. You can't just stay up locked in this big mansion of a house. " Ron trie pursuading her but Kate being the stubborn ass she is, refused again. 

Hermione and Ginny, having enough of Kate's tantrums shared a look before ginny swooped up Teddy and Hermione picked up chocolate cake in her arms. 

"You will be going. That's it. Pack you bags cause we are leaving tomorrow morning. And till then, Teddy will stay with us, not you. And if you're not ready by 7 a.m. tomorrow, you better be ready to face the consequences. " Hermione said with a tone of finality and gestured Ron to pick up Teddy's stuff, all of them marching out of the Potter Manor.

"She did not say 'the consequences'. Oops, Kate. You will be in serious trouble if you don't listen to her. You know that it's true." Ginny whistled.

Katherine knew that they were doing this for her, they wanted to see her happy. But how will she face Astrophel after what happened between them? 

"What did happen between them?"

"C'mon man, the suspense is killing me!"

"Now, you're just dragging it out!"

"Please tell us! I beg you!"

She looked at her reflection in a mirror and saw some chocolate smudged over her cheek. 


hey guys! yup, I'm alive

really sorry for ghosting this book for so long chapter would be probably out by tomorrow or tonight sometime later if I'm awake.

I assure you all that next chapter will not disappoint.

I swear!

it's part of something you guys have been desperately waiting for...

should i give you a hint?

You'll read it in a couple of hours anyway.....byeeeeeee

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