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Well, it turns out, Draco was wrong. Katherine did not come herself to pick Teddy up as if she knew he was going to be there in the Malfoy Manor.

"Let's get over with it already. Hand Teddy over." came Ron's voice.

The camera turned to show Ron Weasley standing in front of a stubborn Astrophel begging- ugh demanding to hand Teddy over to him. But Astro is Astro. He would not budge.

"Where's Katherine?"

"Why do you care? It's not like you're still in a relationship. She can do whatever she wants, be wherever she wishes to be. She does not have to answer to you. Now give me Teddy so I can go home and eat my bacon which, may I add, is getting cold." replied Ron.

"Man has his priorities straight."

Who does he think he is?

"Astrophel Black." answered Theo, Draco and Blaise in unison.

He may be Astrophel Black, one of the coldest person present on Earth, but that does not give him the right to hurt his best friend like that.

Ron was there when Kate barged into the boys' dormitories, eyes brimming with tears but none of them fell, no.

"Kate crying? What did you do Black?!"

"You think I know, Weasley?"

He was there when he saw her heartbroken face the next morning.

How Astrophel Black acted as if nothing ever happened between him and Kate.

How Astrophel could move on so quickly but Kate was hung over him for months.

"Oh Kat-"

"No, I don't need anyone's sympathy for anything that happens to me. Please."

How she cried late in the night when she thought no one could hear her at the burrow.

Lily and James squashed their daughter in between them and Remus and Sirius joined the family hug.

How she thought no one could see the bags under her eyes, her red nose, her messed up hair (which was a rare sight since Kate loved her hair. Hell, even her bedhead hair looked perfect), her avoiding any interactions with anybody.

"I don't know what happened, but if Kate's hair is 'messed up' then it's a serious situation, buddy."

It was like back when Sirius died.

Kate, James and Remus hugged Sirius tight.

But at least she had that little piece of scum with her.

"Is he talking about da-"

"Dad? Yeah, he is."

She at least talked to someone.

But when he broke her heart, she could no longer hold it in.

Ron was there when he saw his sister in all but blood breaking.

"I'll kill you Black!!"

"How dare you hurt my Bambi, Black?!?"

"I know you're my son, but why would you ever break someone's heart? I don't care if it's Kathy or any other girl. But you don't have the right to play with them."

Not once, not twice, but every time.

It was not only just Astro.

It was Sirius's death which hit her hard after she and Astro broke up.

It was Cedric's death that still lingers in her mind.

It was the attack at the burrow for which she is forever guilty.

It was everything.

But, he would not allow her to make the same mistakes twice.

He would protect her like he promised he would.

But he knew that she doesn't need protection.

She is capable of protecting herself and the whole world at the same time.

"Thanks, Ron"

"I know you, Kate. You don't need any protection."

"I don't care about your beacon, Weasley. I want to meet her. And I will not give Ed back until she is here." replied Astro.

He knows that he messed it up.

Their relationship was perfect.

Everything about it, their late night talks, their bickering, them understanding each other perfectly, her, and everything, but him.

He was the one at fault.

It was him who broke her heart.

It was him who broke his heart.

It was him who ended their perfect relationship.

He was hurt, yes. But what hurt him more was that he was the reason she was hurt.

He saw her getting weak day-by-day.

He saw how it affected her.

"Then why didn't you do anything?"

But it affected him also.

He just hid it.

He did it to save her.

"Save? Aunt Kathy? Are you sure we're talking about the same person?"

Otherwise they would kill not only her but also his mother and aunt and cousin.

He was stupid.

But now he wanted to mend their broken relationship.

But she was making it too difficult.

And he knew he deserved it.

He was never good enough for her.

She was the epitome of beauty and not just on the outside, but on the inside even.

She made him feel things he had never felt before.

One of them being joy.

Sure he had Draco, Theo and Blaise but what he had with her could never compare with anyone else.

He just wanted her forgiveness.

Even if he has to beg on his knees in front of the whole world just for her to forgive him, he will.

Astrophel Black was now hell bent to have Katherine Potter's forgiveness.

(and a little bit of her attention and love maybe?)

"Oooh. The last line had my heart."

"You broke her heart, and now you want her to forgive you, Black? You're impossible."

"Please don't make judgements already. Dad is a human being, he made some mistakes. But he even mended them and made sure he never repeated them. That's called learning from your mistakes. Now if we may continue. We have to finish this fast as in our time, our family doesn't know what we are doing. Please, so let's continue." said Regulus.

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