Second Chance

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"Alright, now I have begged Minnie to let me take you to that stupid trip. I want you to behave there, okay? You can not wander around. You'll be by my side all the time. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Now, are you ready, Ted?" Katherine asked Teddy who was looking at her, wide-eyed.

"Kay, are you done? We've had this conversation already, come on now, or we'll miss the portkey." Hermione stated as she rechecked her handbag for all the essentials.

"Is it really nec-" Kate began but Hermione cut her off.

"Don't even try it, Kate. You know, Mione" Ron chuckled, already having experienced this in the past years.

"I know, but one should keep trying. Maybe one day she'll finally cave in to our demands." Kate and Ron grinned mischievously.

"Highly unlikely, but okay, let them live in their own bubble for a little while." Hermione muttered to herself.

Remus having increased hearing due to being werewolf and Sirius and James being animagus, heared the muggleborn and snorted.

"Don't even think about getting out of this, Katherine." The use of her full name seemed to shut Kate up.

"It always works."

"We are going, that's final. C'mon, Ronald." The three of them along with Teddy held on to the portkey and reached Hogsmeade.

"Wait, why are we in Hogsmeade? Aren't we like, supposed to, I dunno, be in a forest or something?" Ron asked as he held Teddy in his arms while Kate made sure all the bags were present.

"No, we will be arriving at Hogwarts and from there all the eighth year students will together start the journey to the camp site." Hermione finished as they started walking towards the castle.

After the gruesome distance they had to walk - Kate's words - they arrived at the gates of Hogwarts.

"Hey! It is a gruesome distance!"

All three of them took in the majestic castle as they were transported back to the last time they were here, during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Ron clenched his jaw as he remembered Fred laying on the ground, motionless. He could never get the image out of his mind and it came back to haunt him in his dreams.

"It's alright, Freddie. We'll not let anything happen to you this time." George said, more likely to himself.

Hermione took in a shuddered breath, as the images of a dead Lavender Brown flashed through her mind. Even though she disliked Lavender mostly during their sixth year, she was still a good friend. She remembered the countless nights she, Kate, Lavender and Parvati spent together talking about mindless things such as boys, drama, books, music etc.

"Oh, Hermione. I too love the girls' nights."

"Wait, you guys talk about boys during girls' night?" Ron tilted his head in confusion.

'Maybe I can get to know what Rin actually tells her friends about me.' Astro's eyes gleamed with mischief.

Kate's eyes became glossy but she didn't let a tear fall. Even though she could picture it all, Remus and Tonks lying with their fingertips barely touching, Fred, still having a hint of smile on his face, Collin who adored Kate a lot, Lavender, and all those who sacrificed themselves, she pushed the tears back.

Suddenly, Cedric's smiling face flashed in her mind and so did his dead body lying on the quidditch pitch. She remembered that night when she saw her parents, during her fourth year and during the Battle.

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