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"No way!"

"Yes way! I won."

"AAAAAAAGHHH! My ship finally sailed!!"

"Hey! It was 20 galleons, you idiot! Not 2!"






"Oh, this was bound to happen at some point or the other."

"It's 30 galleons Albus. They have 4 kids not 7."

"Me and Black?" whispered Katherine. 

"Settle down, settle down. We know this is a shock to some of you and some predicted this would happen, but please for Salazar's sake, calm down!" exclaimed Scorpius. 

Astrophel was silent throughout this whole thing. 

He has 4 kids. 

The mother of his children or his wife is Katherine Potter. 

The same Katherine Potter whom he hated so much in their first and second year. 

The same Katherine Potter who was by his side when he was hospitalized (because of her, might I add) in their third year.

The same Katherine Potter who helped him see that his father was after all a good man and not a murderer. 

The same Katherine Potter who looked so beautiful on the night of the Yule Ball. (not that he would ever admit.)

The same Katherine Potter who always bickers with him and somehow manages to cheer him up.

The same Katherine Potter with whom he has secret little visits to kitchen at night.

The same Katherine Potter who manages to put a smile and a scowl on his face at the same time by annoying him.

The same Katherine Potter with whom he had his first kiss with.

The same Katherine Potter with whom he has fallen in love with, though he has not realised it yet. 

The same Katherine Potter whom he is bound to loose. It's their destiny. 

Coming out of his trance, he looked at Kate who was already looking at his direction. As soon as she saw she was caught staring at him, she blushed and turned away. 

Oh, how he loved when she blushed and how only he has the ability to do that. 

Astrophel realised that he did, in fact, like Katherine Euphemia Lily Potter.

Katherine was starstruck. 

She was married to Astrophel Black!

The heartthrob of Hogwarts.

Though they aren't enemies now, but they aren't even the best of friends. There's something else. 

Something that can not be expressed by a single word. 

She often wondered how only he could make her blush like a madwoman. 

How in a room full of people, her eyes would find their way to him.

How his picture perfect hair could be messy but in a way that only Astrophel Black can pull off.

How her heart would suddenly beat fast whenever he was around. 

Katherine realised that she did, in fact, like Astrophel Sirius Black. 

Something she wouldn't have ever dreamed of. 

"Calm down everyone. We will continue the movie again but let the kids meet their parents."

The Black Twins, Regulus and Teddy with Gemini in his arms ran towards Kathy and hugged her so hard she thought her bones were going to break.

"Okay, this is kindda weird. Me having 5 kids." Kathy nervously laughed. BUt she hugged them the next moment.

They all felt home once again. 

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