Chapter 71

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"My idea is nothing more than a huge guess."

I remembered Raymond.

If the Duke Croft falls into oblivion, Raymond will suffer more casualties than anyone else.

The Croft family was Raymond's right-hand man.

That was the main reason why Raymond rejected the nobility who insisted on the judgment.

My father was more than just Raymond's devoted servant.

He was one of the main associates of his uprising.

And if now one of the pillars of the empire collapses, the nobles will break loose.

Although more than ten years had passed since the uprising, the remnants of the former emperor's loyalists were not completely exterminated.

Kill them, and how many managers will remain in the empire?

The choice was simple.

Consequently, there are still many nobles in this world who are secretly unhappy with Raymond.

"If you say so, it concerns all of us... Don't you think?" Jed asked carefully.

"Hmm. For just one such word, our heads can be blown off."

Jed's face tightened at what I said.

"What do you think about the coup?"


Lumont screamed hurriedly.

If the Sios family is really targeting Raymond, the name is "treason."

Treason was the biggest crime, the punishment for which was not limited to beheading, but the destruction of all family members.

I said nothing further, but Jed caught my hint.

His face became as serious as mine.

"Marquis Sios, isn't the Crown Prince's grandfather?"


"And the emperor has no other children... ahem."

Jed glanced at Lumon.

"Even if Prince Edmund is his only son, when Sios's appetites grow... you cannot imagine."

If he places the young emperor on the throne, power will fall into the hands of Sios without end and edge.

And since Raymond also became emperor after the coup and paricide, after that he could only blame himself.

But is Raymond really the target of the Marquis?

Marquis Sios was the prime minister and grandfather of the crown prince.

He already has the second largest power after the emperor himself, but will he be so greedy that he will go to the point of treason?

And Lisa will allow this?

Raymond and Lisa.

Thinking about these two confused my worn-out mind even more.

Why didn't Raymond make Lisa Empress? Why did Lisa move away from Raymond?


"Find out if Sios met with the supporters of the previous emperor."

I hoped the Marquis of Sios would not take such a crazy step.


An ominous premonition blew.


"Fortunately, His Highness's fever has receded, Your Majesty."

After examining Edmund, the doctor of the imperial palace turned to Raymond with a report.

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