Chapter 102

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When I saw those bright purple eyes, she naturally appeared to me.

Although purple eyes are common in the Croft family, the child's hair was slightly different.

One way or another, he could just be a distant relative.

The only thing that very much resembles Ellie is her eye color.

At this time, the child's lips parted gently.

"Master, have I hurt you?"

The child looked worried, looking meekly at Raymond.

He looks only 5-6 years old. And seeing such serious concern on the part of the little boy, the emperor laughed.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. Doesn't it hurt you yourself?"

He kicked his head pretty hard.

"Everything is fine! Mom always tells me to look under my feet, but I was carried away by this doll."

The child was holding a doll carved in the mud. And he spoke, bowing his head in shame.

"I'm sorry."

"You're a polite kid."

The child continued more confidently that he even lifted his chin:

"It was my mother who taught me that. The good child will admit the wrongdoing and apologize! And I am a good child! I listen to my mother very well! "

"Come on? Your mother is wise."

"Oh, it is so! My mother is the most beautiful and intelligent person in the world!" said the child, flashing purple eyes.

"But where is your mother?"

Raymond looked up and looked around, but none of those around him matched the description.


Raymond looked at the boy in front of him.

Fear showed on the child's face as he looked around with a confused face.

"I'm lost, right?

The child spoke softly.

"Mom said I shouldn't go... I'm lost."

He was about to cry. Naturally, he was frightened by the unknown.

Raymond was embarrassed when he saw tears protruding in those large eyes.

He had never before calmed a crying child.

He hesitated, but still dropped to one knee.

He met the child's gaze and gently took his small shoulder.

"Well, what's your name?"


The child's eyes were already reddening. Raymond felt uncomfortable in his heart when he saw the sadness in the purple eyes that so closely resembled Ellie.

It seemed to him that he was next to her again.

Raymond called the child's name as fondly as he could.

"Carlisle. Don't cry, we will definitely find your mother. In the meantime, as long as I'm there, you have nothing to fear. So..." not worry.

He tried to say it, but Raymond was not allowed to finish.

Because Carlisle suddenly grabbed onto his arm.

The boy hugged him by the neck and buried his face in his shoulder.

Raymond at that moment froze and was already losing touch with reality with might and main.

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