Chapter 171: Epilogue

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Once, when the weight of the noise in the empire subsided, and peaceful days continued.

Spring has passed and early summer has passed. The sun began to rise at an early hour.

In the gardens of the empress's palace, birds chirped, and sunlight penetrated into the main bedchamber.

Raymond was the first of the couple on the wide bed to open his eyes.

Blinking slowly, he turned and looked at Ellie in his arms.

She had not yet woken up and was breathing softly.

Raymond could not help smiling, gently touching her silvery hair, glistening in the sun.

More than a month had passed since they got out of the dashing together, but he did not believe day after day that he was sleeping with her and waking up together in the morning.

He was so happy that at times he worried if his mind had been moved.

Once again assuring that it was real, he pressed his lips to her silver hair.

Ellie's unique sweet scent hit him in the nose.

Ripe fruits were smelled.

Ellie's body always made his heart beat faster.

Raymond smiled, confirming that this was not a dream.


At that moment, Ellie groaned.

Raymond removed his hand and stared at it.

Ellie's purple eyes opened, which were mysterious at any time of the day.

"Good morning, Ellie."

Raymond familiarly touched his lips to her forehead.

"Good morning, Ray. Mmmm..."

As she stirred, the blanket slid down, exposing her shoulders.

Since she was wearing only one subtle combination, her entire body was boldly naked.

The smooth skin of her neck, thin shoulders and curved collarbones.

Red footprints, the fruit of the night before, hung like a painting on her.

These marks gave Raymond an odd sense of satisfaction.

"Ellie, I love you."

Raymond hugged Ellie and whispered, his lips touching her shoulder.

Ellie laughed at the sweet whisper.

These days he showered her with words of love.

Thinking about Raymond's past now, it was simply unimaginable.

Last night, giving up, he said he loved her at least a dozen times.

But here is a new confession, although only a few hours have passed.

She could not help laughing at his boundless love.

"Hey Raymond!"

But his overwhelming love intended to make her morning hot.

His hand, which had initially stroked Ellie's hair, gradually sank lower.

"Hah, Ellie..."

He whispered the name in her ear, pressed close, and put his lips into the labyrinth of her soft neck.


"Why not?" Raymond asked shamelessly.

Why not. At that moment, Ellie almost burst into laughter.

However, Raymond put his arm around her waist again, unconvinced by her gaze.

"Don't touch!"

"Give it a little. I'll finish quickly."

Ellie's cheeks were flushed with such a direct statement.

Unlike Raymond, Ellie has not yet adapted to this.

Especially when he wants her so openly.

Has he always had such a strong libido?

Ellie slipped away from his touch and stood up.

"Today is an important event. Time to get up, your majesty."

She named him by title.

Ellie's words now meant that if he crossed that line, she would be angry.

Ironically, the Emperor feared most of all when the Empress addressed him formally.

An important event.

Ellie's words reminded him of what day it was.

Opening ceremony of the academy for the common people named after His Highness Carlisle.

So, to our great regret, today will not start, as was the custom for the two of them.

"Yeah. That's that."

Raymond stood up from his seat, holding Ellie's hand, full of regret.

So he climbed out of the blanket, revealing his powerful torso to the whole room.

Raymond put on his robe and rang the bell next to the bed.

Soon a servant entered the bedroom.

"Have you called, Emperor? Empress ."

"I need to go to the gymnasium, to help the Empress."

But today his steps were somewhat sluggish.

Pretending that he was serious about getting to work, he suddenly turned around and rushed to her.


In an effort to appease his desires, he wrapped himself around Ellie's waist and pressed against her.

The courtiers hastily lowered their gazes, and Ellie's cheeks, whose eyes widened from the sudden kiss, turned red.


"See you later, Empress."

Raymond hurried out of the bedroom, as if to dodge Ellie's anger.

"Prince, are you very nervous?"

I asked, sitting in the carriage on the way to the academy.

"You said that this is a very important event. I am afraid that I will disgrace myself in front of the crowd."

Carlisle, who began his studies in earnest, has become more sensitive to the views of people than in earlier times.

Although he is still young, to some extent he has realized the importance of his place.

On the one hand, it was a pity that he was now burdened, but I could not rid him of this, because he was the one who would become the emperor.

And today will be the starting point where the people of the empire will receive his mercy for the first time.

Naturally, he was nervous, because it was the first time.

Raymond, seated opposite, said:

"Carlisle, don't worry. Why should you be nervous when you have such a father? Dad will help make everything go smoothly."

Raymond smiled at Carlisle as if he had a lot of faith in himself.

After some kind words from Raymond, Carlisle, who had been overwhelmed by the stress for a while, suddenly relaxed.

"Yes. Father is the best."

Raymond leaned over to Carlisle.

Then he whispered to him.

"My son is also the best."

Carlisle laughed happily.

When Raymond stroked Carlisle's head, completely relaxed by the atmosphere, Ellie suddenly threw a displeased glance at her husband.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I'm just sick."

Ellie waved her off as if nothing had happened.

But Raymond guessed what was in her heart.

This is because Ellie was annoyed at times to see him next to Carlisle.

Then he did not think of anything else but to joke:

"Oh, Carlisle. I think your mom is not happy that your father is the best in the world."

"Yes? Oh, mom, are you unhappy?"

Carlisle turned to Ellie and stared intently.

The result was embarrassment and shame.

"No, no."

But Carlisle said politely to smooth over the awkwardness:

"My mom is also the best! How I love my mom!"

After going through assassination attempts and turmoil, they came to the conclusion that now the child was calming the adult.

At the sight of this, Raymond could hardly contain a burst of laughter.

And when Ellie reproachfully looked at him, the one who created this situation, Raymond turned away and pretended that he was not here in business.

Over time, he continues to behave like a child.

Ellie stepped carefully on Raymond's foot, out of sight of Carlisle.


Raymond screamed in pain, but Ellie only smiled affectionately at Carlisle, pretending not to hear.

"Yes, I also love my prince very much."

"And I love you all, too."

Under Raymond's statement and Ellie's harmonious laughter with Carlisle, the carriage arrived at the academy site.

"His Majesty, Her Majesty and His Highness are arriving. Greet everyone."

The knight's cry rang out, and all the commoners who had gathered to watch the ceremony knelt down.

"All stand up."

Raymond's loud bass sounded in the open area.

Slowly, the people stood up and raised their heads towards the members of the imperial family.

"This is all His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Indeed, a rare genius."

"Look at those shiny black eyes. He's so cute."

"It would be great if a beautiful princess were born."

"Oh, that's right. Now that Her Majesty is back, should we wait for a replenishment in the royal family?"

"There are rumors that the emperor and his wife are doing well."

"Look at least for yourself, the eyes of the emperor do not leave her majesty."

"Haha, right. It would be nice if a pretty princess was born..."

The people of the empire fluttered to their own delight, looking at the ruler's family.

Then Raymond stepped forward and opened his mouth.

"The momentous day has come when the construction of the people's academy is coming to an end. The imperial family builds this institution, named after the prince, to ensure that ordinary people are not discriminated against in terms of education. And in the future, when the prince fulfills my will and becomes emperor, he will give a promise to do everything possible for the good of honest people and a peaceful life."

Raymond took a short breath and continued.

"So expand your knowledge in the academy and carry it further for the common cause of the empire."

When Raymond finished speaking, the common people screamed loudly.

"Long live His Majesty and Her Majesty!"

"Long live the prince!"

The cries of the people covered the entire area from edge to edge.

In this place, a new future was now laid for our empire.

I Won't Accept Your RegretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin