Movie Time!

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Dust had heard the exciting news from Killer. So, as far as he could tell, it was going to be Killer, Horror, Lust, Nightmare, Dream, Cross, Blue, and Ink. Plus himself and three others. Killer thought at first that Nightmare was asking him out, and it wasn't until Dust explained that he understood. And the saddest part was that Killer seemed all excited about it. Maybe Dust could talk to Nightmare. Yeah. He could do that. He would catch Nightmare alone, then ask him about what he thought of Killer. So he left to his dorm. When he finally found it, he knocked. 

"Hello? Nightmare? Can I talk to you for a second?" The door slowly opened and Dust saw Nightmares morning face. 

"Oh. Um. Hey?" Nightmare sighed and opened the door wider so that he could come in.

"So, what do you want?" Dust looked around the dorm. 

"What do you think of Killer?" Nightmare tensed, which confused Dust. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like, what do you think of him as a person?" Nightmare sighed. 

"He's... alright I guess." Dust nodded. Then he chuckled. 

"Why just alright?" Nightmare lowered his eyes. 

"That's better than my opinion of most people." Dust nodded. 

"What do you think of me?" Nightmare rolled his eyes. 

"That you're not very smart." Dust shrugged. 

"That's fair I guess." Nightmare lowered his eyes. 

"Why do you ask?" Dust just shrugged. He wasn't going to tell Nightmare the truth. He'd wait for Killer to do that all by himself. Because if Dust did it, it wouldn't be nearly as humiliating. So, he'd wait patiently. For however long it took. 

Killer didn't know why, but Cross wouldn't stop glaring at him. He was too afraid to say anything, so he just stood there, uncomfortable. They were the first ones at the theater, apparently. Maybe this was all a set up and Killer wouldn't make it out of this alive. Killer quickly glanced at Cross. 

"Do you need something?" Cross stayed silent. Killer wondered what was going through his head. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. Finally, Cross sighed. 

"Nightmare is usually a very closed off, violent, intimidating person." Killer stared at Cross, confusion written all over his face. 

"Okay?" Cross stared up at the sky. 

"I don't know why, but he seems to not hate you. Which is rare." Killer suddenly became uneasy, not sure where this was going. "My point is, don't screw up, okay?" Killer's eyes widened for a split second. 

"Screw what up?" Cross shook his head. 

"You'll figure it out soon enough, kid." Killer pouted.

"Hey! I'm not a kid." Cross chuckled as Killer was tackled to the ground. Everyone was here. Finally. No more of Cross' weird comments. 

"Hey buddy how's it going?" Killer laughed. 

"I dunno. Cross is being weird." Horror looked at Cross, then shrugged. 

"Can a shortage of chocolate when you have an addiction change your mood?" 

"Huh?" Horror shook his head. 

"Never mind. What movie are we even going to see?" Killer looked at Dust, who just shrugged. 

"Okay, small children. This is my roommate and his cousin and his friend." Killer looked to them and nodded. 

"Cool. What movie are we going to see?" They all stared at the three newcomers. 

"A movie about zombies and stuff, I guess." Nightmare's roommate said. 


Geno was just trying to watch the movie and enjoy it in peace. But no. Despite there being like, ten other people there, Reaper still continued to annoy him. He would never admit it out loud, or out loud where Error or Reaper could hear, but Geno didn't completely hate Reaper. Yes, he was annoying, but Geno had actually grow fond of him. But Reaper wasn't the only one ruining the movie, and Geno wasn't the only one getting annoyed. One of the other skeletons, Killer was his name, was munching his popcorn and making unnormally loud sounds. Geno wasn't even sure how Killer was making those noises, but Nightmare seemed to be getting annoyed. Very annoyed. Geno wasn't sure how the other monsters and humans weren't complaining about it, but somehow, they weren't. Finally, Nightmare seemed to visibly snap. 

"Killer, I'm telling you for the last time, please shut up." Killer shook his head(?) 

"Nope. I mean, come on. If you're in a zombie apocalypse, you aren't gonna try and fight back. I'd be running. Go somewhere they can't get me and just enjoy the rest of my life." Even though Killer was being annoying, he did make a valid point. If you could go somewhere were there weren't any zombies, at least. Otherwise you're screwed. Reaper stared at Geno and he rolled his eye(s? Geno only has the one eye, right?) 

"What do you want now?" Reaper just continued to creepily stare. 

"I want a lot of things, but right now I want answers." Geno slumped back in his seat. 

"When the movie is over and we're not around a million other people. Then I'll give you 'answers'." Reaper smiled triumphantly. 

Ink was watching the movie, curiously. He'd never seen a movie like this before. It was... interesting. But Dream and Blue seemed to be frightened. They almost screamed a few times. Ink couldn't possibly understand why. The probability of there being an actual apocalypse was extremely low. Yet somehow, they were still scared. They seemed to be the only ones who were scared, everyone else either wasn't paying attention or didn't care. 

"Are you guys okay?" Dream and Blue both snapped their heads to Ink. 

"No. I hate horror movies." They said in unison.

"Uh, okay. If you hate them, why did you come?" They stared at him, speechless. 

"Because all our friends were coming." Ink still didn't understand. 

"Yeah, but you see your friends all the time. You didn't need to suffer." Blue glared at Ink. 

"We didn't know the movie we were going to see until we got here!" Ink shrugged. 

"I still don't get it, but you do you I guess." They both were glaring at him now. 

"We will do us, thank you very much." 

Imagine liking someone and not knowing you like them lol. Anyway, I finally wrote it so here you go.

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