Killer doesnt know what to do with his life, but honestly what 15 year old does

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Killer needed to remind himself that Dust was okay. Recovering, but okay. He thought. He probably wasn't okay, but Killer was going to listen to Nightmare and not worry. This would probably be the first time he listened to Nightmare. It would probably be the last too. Killer sighed and took a bite of the chocolate Dust gave to him. Dust was fine. We woke up, he was fine. He just tripped.


Killer didn't believe that, but could anyone really blame him? Dust has been super closed off ever since they first met. He was just worried. Killer was sure that Dust would open up to him as soon as he was ready. But in the meantime, he really didn't know what to do. Nightmare always got all weird when he was around him. Well, since Dust was in bed resting, the rest was up to Killer. He would have to get Nightmare alone, talk to him, and just blurt out something that made Nightmare know he liked him, then run away and never see him again. That sounded like a pretty thought out plan. Except Killer didn't know how to do any of that. He couldn't just go up to Nightmare and be like, 'oh, I have a crush on you.' Cross would probably kill him. Everyone would probably kill him. He sighed and looked at Dust. 

"I don't know what to do." Dust hummed. 


"Nightmare." Dust laughed. 

"You're gonna do it now? I mean, go Killer, but like..." Killer groaned. 

"I know. You think he'll be weird about it? What kind of question is that? Of course he'll be weird about it. What was I thinking? This plan will never work." Dust sighed.

"Well, if it doesn't work out, you can just say I dared you to. You don't actually have to own up to it." Killer nodded. 

"You're right. Gee, you're so smart. Thanks dude, you're the best. Do you want anything while I'm out?" Dust shook his head and yawned.

"I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna go to bed." Killer gave him a thumbs up. 

"Okay. Well, I'll be back with news. Maybe. Hopefully." Dust laughed. 

"Bye Kills." Killer faked an offended gasp. 

"Are you kicking me out?" Dust laughed and waved. Killer groaned and walked out. It couldn't be that hard... right?


He would make a complete fool of himself. He didn't even have to open the door. He didn't even have to knock. But, he wouldn't be so lucky. Error opened the door and walked out. 

"Oh, hey, you need Nightmare? He's just chilling in there." It was too late. Nightmare and him already made eye contact. Killer gulped. 

"Do you need something?" Killer wanted to die.


That wasn't the worst idea.

Yeah. He could fake faint and then pretend that he didn't remember anything. Then, Nightmare wouldn't ask him to explain himself. 

"Killer? Is Dust okay?" Killer nodded, not trusting himself to open his mouth. He walked in the room and pulled out his phone. Nightmare just stared at him, questioningly. He typed really fast on his phone and showed it to Nightmare. "I don't trust myself to not say something stupid and screw up, so I'm just gonna type." Nightmare read. "You do know that you spelt something wrong, right?" Killer flushed and looked at his phone. He did. He put somwthing instead of something. He didn't even have to talk. He was already going to ruin everything. "Well, what are you scared of messing up?" Killer didn't know how to do this. He was a mess. His life was a mess. What was he even doing? Well, yolo, right?

He pointed to himself, and then to Nightmare. Nightmare's eyes widened the slightest, before lowering again. He remained expressionless. Killer wanted to die. This was so embarrassing. How did Dust convince him to do this? Killer cleared his throat.

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