a Fresh appearance- Geno investigates Reaper's disappearance

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"Okay, he's, like, really annoying, so feel free to just ignore him." Ink laughed, and Error wanted to cry. He knew that Ink didn't understand how serious  he was being. 

"Error, I think you're overreacting. Come on, he can't be that bad." Error sighed. 

"It can and is that bad. Ink, don't think you have to speak to him. Don't think you have to like him. I don't like him. No one will judge you." Ink scoffed, giggling and waving his hand at Error. 

"Oh Glitchy, you're so dramatic." There were many factual things wrong with that sentence. 1: Error wasn't being dramatic. 2: Ink was dramatic. 3: Ink was more dramatic than Error ever was. But he didn't point out any of those things to Ink. He was just going to let him believe that his cousin wasn't completely evil. Error had asked Geno to be with him when he came, but Geno said he was "busy". What could possibly be so important that he had left Error alone with him? Well... he wasn't alone, but Ink wasn't exactly relieving Error's annoyance. 

Ink never relived Error's annoyance. 

"Whatever, Ink. He'll be here soon."

"Cool. Then I get to meet the person who has a similar personality to me. I mean, we all know that's the reason you dislike said person so much. Or maybe it's the other way around. Wait, what are we talking about again?" 

"How stupid you are." 

"No, that doesn't sound right." Error sighed, rolling  his eyes. This  was going to be a very  long day. 

Reaper had been missing for fourteen days. Well, Geno wasn't sure if he was 'missing', he just wasn't coming back to the dorm, wasn't answering anyone's texts or calls, and not showing up to any of his classes. So, maybe he wasn't missing, but he was gone. Maybe he'd  been kidnapped. Geno beamed. Maybe he'd been kidnapped. Maybe that wasn't something Geno should be happy about, and he probably wouldn't actually  be, but it was an entertaining thought. 

Fourteen days was a long time, though. What could Reaper have been doing for fourteen days that he wasn't able to answer any calls or texts from anyone, wasn't able to go to his classes, and wasn't able to go back to the dorm? Geno turned the corner, letting out a breath. He didn't know exactly where  he was going to look,  but he had to look somewhere. He had to think. He knew Reaper. Maybe better than anyone. Maybe he should ask Error. Except, Error probably wasn't going to talk to him today. 

He sighed again. 

"Reaper? Reaper, come here. Reaper, where are you? And I'm calling out to you like you're a fucking dog. Reaper?" And he slumped his shoulders, turning the corner again when he saw it. His eyes widened. Reaper was right there, sitting in a tree- no- laying  in a tree, drinking a Starbucks. "Reaper!" He didn't even look at him. 

"Sup Geno." 

Error let out a breath, closing his eyes, mentally preparing himself for the next few hours. And then it  happened.

The  "fresh" poof. 

"Wats up, bruhskis?" Ink immediately pointed and started laughing. Fresh's glasses immediately turned to question marks as he tilted his head and looked at Ink. Error sucked in a breath, refraining from ripping Ink's head off. 

"This is who you think is annoying and completely evil? This?" Ink motioned to Fresh, starting to laugh again. "He looks like a puked out rainbow." Fresh still had his head tilted, but his glasses changed to "WDYM". Error growled at Ink. 

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