Cross and Dream get their end of school moment too

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Cross didn't know what to feel. On one hand, when school was over, he didn't have to be separated from Dream, and that's all he really cared about. On the other hand, he had made some friends, and he didn't really want to leave them behind. Sure, he could still talk to them, but he wouldn't actually be able to see them. He didn't know if he really cared or not, given Dream was the only one whom he actually enjoyed the company of. Ink too, sometimes, but Cross might've benefited from taking a break from Ink. 

"What are you thinking about?" Dream asked, ever so sweetly. He was so sweet. Too sweet for this world, Cross was sure, but then again, he might've been biased. Dream was drawing something, not looking up at Cross.

"I was just thinking about school ending. If anyone here will be worth missing. Hey, do you think you could send your brother off with Killer or something? Just for the summer." Dream looked up at him, annoyed. 

"No, I will not be sending my brother with someone else for the summer, thank you very much. Anyway, what did you decide? Is anyone worth missing?" 

"Nah. I need a break from Ink, and he's the only one who I really like anyway. So, since I live with you, I don't need anyone else." 

"Okay. I'm gonna miss some people, though." Cross got off his bed and went to sit next to Dream. 

"Oh, really, who?" Dream sighed, not looking up at Cross as he continued to draw. 

"Ink, Blue, maybe some of my brother's friends too. I think that's very strange, how Nightmare made more friends than me." 

"Yeah, because everyone here is an asshole. Like, Killer, Horror, and Dust? I'm not even surprised he befriended them. I'm not surprised he befriended any of the nerds he did." Dream giggled, stopping to look at him. 

"You're a bigger nerd than any of the people you just listed." Cross gasped, feigning offense, and then they just both started laughing. Cross didn't doubt it for one second. He loved this skeleton. And he didn't think anyone or anything could ever possibly change that. 

"How am I a nerd?" Dream scoffed, shoving Cross' skull away. 

"You're such a nerd. You and Ink are nerd buddies." 

"You're a nerd too." 

"Did I ever say I wasn't?" Cross parted his mouth, then shut it, nodding in respect. 

"Okay, okay. I can respect that. Hey, whatcha drawing?" Cross tried to peer over Dream's shoulder, but his face went (help I don't know what color Dream's blush is T_T) yellow(?) as he held the sketchbook at a distance. Cross scoffed, standing up and putting his hands on his hips. "Why won't you show me?" Dream looked to the side, still blushing. 

"I don't want you to see it yet. It's not done. I need you to wait for it to be done. Can you do that?" Cross groaned, falling back on the bed. 

"Ugh. Why do I have to wait to see it? I'm sure it's great. Everything you do is great." He teased. Dream threw his pencil at him. Cross gasped, once again feigning offense. "This is a serious offense, Dream. Someone could've gone blind." Dream rolled his eyes, going back to his drawing. 

"Good. Then you wouldn't be harassing me to see my drawing." Cross sighed, dropping his shoulders. 



"I love you." Dream smiled, standing up and snatching the pencil from Cross. 

"I love you too, you dummy." 

Nightmare hummed, contemplating telling Killer something or not.  He didn't want it to get out or be a big deal, and Killer had a loud mouth and he made everything a big deal. It was exhausting. But he wanted to tell someone, and Dream was busy, so he thought about telling Killer. After Dust, Error, Horror, Cross, literally everyone else. But none of them had the time. Dust profusely apologized, Error just did not give a fuck, which was to be expected, Horror wanted to listen but then he got pulled in for class, and Cross was a last resort, and Cross didn't even want to talk to him. It didn't matter. Nightmare didn't want to talk to him either. 

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