School trip time!!!!- people are being annoying

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Geno was so annoyed with Reaper. He was so annoyed with everyone on the bus. For some reason, they decided to combine the three classes on one bus. So, their whole friend group was on one bus. Which was loud. It was fine, just loud. And Reaper wouldn't stop annoying him. He wished that he could just take a nap and wake up and never have to deal with annoying idiots ever again. But unfortunately, that was not the case. 

"Can you be quiet so I can go to sleep?" He hissed. Reaper only smirked at him. 

"Do you want to sleep so you can dream of me? Oh, Geno, you don't have to sleep to do that." Geno stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"Bleh. No, I want to sleep because I desperately need it since you won't let me do it anymore. With you keeping me up at night all night every night." He mumbled the last part and Reaper shrugged. "Please. Just stop talking." Reaper wouldn't shut up and stop making incredibly inappropriate comments. 

"Make me." Geno rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Reaper, if you do anything with him in front of me, I'll kill you." Geno stared at Error. 

"Please do." Suddenly, the (definitely sketchy murderers who have without a doubt murdered someone) trio jumped over the seats. 

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try and kill anyone. How do you kill someone without touching them?" Everyone stared at Killer like he was an idiot. And because he was. What kind of question was that? Geno could think of a million ways to kill someone without touching them. "Anyway Reaper, listen to your boyfriend. Because my Nighty's trying to sleep." Killer looked so proud of himself. Dream made some girlish sound. Geno had no idea what was going on anymore. He just craved sleep. 

"Oh, he's your Nighty?" Killer nodded. 

"Yup, now, I have decided that Dust's boyfriend is a dirty lying cheater." Dust nodded.

"What happened?" Geno asked, suddenly concerned. "Who'd he cheat with?" Killer and Dust both blinked twice. 

"Oh! Not like that, he's a cheater in games." Geno sighed, relieved at Killer's words. 

"What happened?" 

"Okay, so, me, Dust, Horror, Blue, Ink, Dream, and Cross were playing a card game. It was fine, all fine, until Blue suddenly had some magical card that no one knew about because HE WAS CHEATING!" Killer shouts the last part in Blue's direction.

"That's not what happened at all. Dream, tell him." Dream bobbed his skull back and forth. 

"I mean, it kinda was what happened. I mean, I'm not making any accusations here, but it's not looking good for you." Blue looked so annoyed. Geno wondered how he had not heard the card game. Blue cheating probably resulted in multiple child-like screams. It was probably because he was too focused on how much he hated Reaper and his talking.

"Anyway, Reaper, the lesson is, always listen to your boyfriend." Error shook his head. 

"Don't listen to Killer. He doesn't know what it's like to have a high maintenance boyfriend." 

"Yes I do!" Geno blinked. 

"Wait, are you calling me high maintenance?" Geno and Ink asked at the same time. 

"Don't even Geno. And Ink, I love you, but you are." Ink just shrugged and went back to doing whatever he was doing. Geno didn't understand the world. Well, he did, but it was confusing as hell. That just made him more confused. He shook his skull and decided to stop thinking about random crap. 

"Hey, Geno, wanna bet whoever has the most high maintenance boyfriend?" Geno closed his eyes and tried to block out Killer. 

"You do realize that you are calling Nightmare high maintenance, right?" He nodded. 

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