Relationship cuteness and gayness

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Lust had been acting extra... cute lately. Horror didn't know how else to describe it, so he just said extra cute. Lust would get flustered easier, being more shy, just small things like that. But Horror found it absolutely adorable. He didn't think anyone else in their friend group acted like this, maybe Dream. But if Dream was like that, it would only be around Cross. Horror just shrugged and stared at the wall. It was strange, but he was just going to stare at the wall until he thought of something to do. Lust leaned down from his bunk. 

"Horror? You okay?" Horror blinked and looked at Lust. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just bored." He laughed, but Lust looked concerned. 

"Well, do you want to do something?" Horror shrugged. 

"I'm trying to think of something to do. If you think of something, let me know." Lust crawled down from his bunk and sat next to Horror.

"Well, you could hang out with Killer and Dust. Or you could um..." Lust looked to the side, thinking. It was so cute. Horror wondered if it was normal to get so happy about someone doing something so simple. Maybe it was a dating thing. But Nightmare never seemed to get like that about Killer.

Then again, Nightmare didn't seem to get like that around anyone.

Cross probably got like that, and Ink, and Error, and Geno... no, probably not Geno. Horror could just ask them. But then they'd make a big deal out of it and be dumb and tease him and stuff. So, he was just going to assume it was a dating thing.

"Hey, Lust, do you think that Nightmare gets flustered around Killer?" 

"Oh, yes. One hundred percent. He's changed a lot. I mean, you guys probably don't notice this sort of thing, but look how he's been acting since him and Killer got together. Not so different it's noticeable to everyone, but I definitely noticed." Horror stared at Lust, confused. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like, he's been more open and easy going. Not a lot, but some. He's not so... uptight? I don't know." Horror laughed. 

"Really? Nightmare isn't being so uptight?" 

"Well, he's more protective than uptight now. Do you know what I mean?" Horror nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just teasing you. What about everyone else? What other changes have you seen in people since they got together?" 

"Well, Cross and Dream, there's really no difference. I don't know. Reaper and Geno don't seem to have changed much either, but that could be just because Geno's a tsundre. Error has been more mellow." Horror hadn't really noticed before, but it was true. Everything Lust was saying was true. 

"How do you notice all of this?" Lust shrugged. 

"I'm a love expert. I can tell when two people are in love, how they've changed since they've been in a relationship... things like that. It's a skill. You either have it or you don't." Horror smiled. 

"How have I changed?" Lust flushed. 

"Well, you seem more sure of yourself. Like, when we first met, you kind of were... shelled out? And now you're more outgoing and self-assured. Like you went and talked to Killer and Dust, you made a whole new friend group... I think this school has been good for all of us." Horror smiled. 

"Yeah, it really has. Thank you. You've been so kind to me." Lust smiled. 

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just being a good monster." Horror smiled and leaned on Lust's shoulder. 

"Well, it means a lot to me."

Geno sighed as he looked over at his boyfriend. His dumb, stupid, annoying boyfriend. Geno didn't know how he liked Reaper, considering everything. But something about Reaper was... nice to be around. It felt nice for Geno to just sit back and relax in a relationship. And Reaper was so easy going, so Geno didn't have to worry. Except when Reaper was being an idiot, then he had to worry. But other than that, Geno didn't have to worry. Geno frowned. Reaper was an idiot 99% of the time. Maybe he could do better. He could teach his boyfriend how to not be an idiot.

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