Nightmare goes to Cross for advice :)

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Nightmare didn't know what to do with his life lately. Dust was being all weird. Every time all of them hung out, Dust would make strange comments about how single and miserable Killer was. And how all he needed was for a big strong person to ask him out. Well, Nightmare didn't know who Dust was referring to, maybe it was Cross or Error or something. Killer did seem to tense around Cross... Nightmare shrugged off the thought. If he looked into it too much, he'd probably get a headache. But, they were planning on hanging out again. All of them. Maybe he could tell Dust to shut up and he'd get intimidated and never speak again. On the flip side, he might smirk and say something even more stupid, but Nightmare wasn't sure if that was possible. But, then again, it was Dust. Nightmare sighed. He might as well take the problem up with the two skeletons. He knocked on their dorm- thank God they shared one- and waited. Dust answered the door with a bag of chips in his hand. It seemed to be unopened. 

"Oh. Hey. What are you doing here? Killer isn't coming back until later. I brought these chips for him by the way. So don't ask for one." Nightmare sighed. 

"No. I was looking for both of you, but I can just talk to you, since you are the main problem." Dust's eyes widened in surprise. 

"I didn't know I was bothering you. I know that my behavior can be... annoying at times. But I swear I mean well." Nightmare lowered his eyes at Dust. 

"No... you aren't bothering me. Have you eaten anything today? You didn't eat at lunch." Dust seemed to quickly tense. 

"Yeah. I ate. Don't worry about it. I'll let you know when Killer comes back." Dust started to shove Nightmare out of the room. 


"Bye dude. See you around." Nightmare stared at the closed door. He grumbled under his breath and went to his brother's dorm. Maybe Dream could help him. He opened the door to see Cross playing on his phone. 

"Oh. Hey dude. Dream's out right now. Do you need something?" Nightmare wanted to scream. 

"Why is everyone I need to talk to busy? What's so special about today?" Cross raised an eye at Nightmare. 

"You good dude?" Nightmare sighed. 

"No. Everyone is acting weird. And everyone is gone, apparently." He mumbled the last part under his breath. Cross sat up. 

"Well, maybe you can talk to me. What's going on?" Nightmare sat on Cross' bed. 

"Dust and Killer are being weird." Cross laughed. 

"What's new?" Nightmare shook his head. 

"Not stupid weird. Like, weird weird. Like, I went to their dorm to talk to them about something and Dust said Killer wasn't there. Then when I said he was why I wanted to talk, he basically freaked out. Then I asked him if he ate and he pretty much shoved me out." Cross let out a low whistle. 

"Dang dude, that's rough. I don't know. Maybe try talking to them again. What did you even want to talk about?" Nightmare groaned. 

"Dust's comments about Killer's dating life." Cross widened his eyes in surprise. 

"You don't know what they're about?" Nightmare instantly grew annoyed at Cross. 

"Of course not, idiot. Wait, you do?" Cross looked to the side. 

"Well, it's really not my place to say..." Nightmare glared at Cross. 

"Why do you always have to get that intimidating look on your face? What did I do?" Nightmare said nothing and only continued to stare. "Fine. Killer has feelings for someone, and Dust is trying to wing-man him. That's all I've got to say." Nightmare stared at Cross. 


"Why don't you ask him?" Nightmare sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get an answer out of Cross when he was acting like this. 


Dust stared at the bag of chips. He was so hungry. He didn't know why, but he wasted his money on a bag of chips. He made a selfish decision. He should've just walked away, but he was so, so hungry. But he couldn't eat. It would be cruel to eat. But would just one chip be the end of the world? As he reached to grab the bag, he started to feel more and more guilty. So he just shoved it away.  As far away from him as he could get it. 

"Oh brother." Dust immediately tensed. "You should be ashamed for thinking such selfish thoughts. Why aren't you thinking of your poor little brother?" Dust shook his head. 

"I didn't do anything. I controlled myself." Dusttus. His little brother. His dead little brother. Dust didn't know if he was just insane or if his brother somehow actually managed to haunt him. 

"Yes. Because you know the consequences if you mess up. Now, don't think such selfish thoughts. Try to think of others before yourself sometime." Dust closed his eyes and nodded his head. 

"I'm sorry. I won't think like that again." 

"You better not." Dust had tried to convince himself that he didn't need to listen to this... thing. He could do whatever he wanted. But this version of his brother. It made him feel so horrible. So... guilty. He couldn't change or control what happened to his brother, but he sure liked to make it seem like he could. "That's because you could. You just chose not to. There's a difference." Dust shook his head. 

"Just leave me alone, okay? I didn't do shit." Just as his brother was about to open his mouth, Killer charged into the room. 

"Corpsey, guess what?" Dust sighed and looked at Killer. 


"I found a box of pizza in the cafeteria! It was completely untouched." Dust attempted a smile. 

"That's great Kills. I guess you're hungry then?" Killer nodded. 

"I haven't eaten all day. I can't wait to devour this pizza. You want some?" Dust smiled and shook his head. He wondered how it'd feel to get to eat after a whole day of not eating. And an entire pizza. It must be nice. 

Yes. I did it. I finally wrote again. Also, if you have a better name for Dusttale Papyrus, please let me know. I'll credit you :) Anyway, Dust has major mental health issues, if you haven't already noticed. 

Edit: Thank you @breadthedead

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